Looking for advice / suggestions. Broken step on back of Jet Ski issue.

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Kevin Palmer

Well-Known Member
Jul 18, 2001
Reaction score
Madison, OH
Basically, the spring loaded step on the back on one of my skis got the bolts sheered off on one side. The issue is, you cannot get to the inside where the nuts would be due to how the hull is built (it was installed at the factory while the hull was separated).

Anyone have a good idea as to some sort of anchor that are worth a darn that can go through the hull and then open up. Like the mentality of the drywall anchors for example but they would have to be MUCH better quality.

Any thoughts are appreciated, thanks....
Hilti makes ones that require a 1/2 inch hole be drilled,,, thy hold over 300 lbs each i beleive...

They have a zip tie to keep them in place once installed too so you can remove the bolt and not loose the fastener...

home depot sells them.... They are great !!

Todd Z
Lousy pic but you can get the idea, the alum inserts go as large as 5/16-18.

The rubber wellnuts about 1/4,20 they have a steel backing and are water tight when in place.[Broken External Image]:
I will look into both of the options.

I am thinking about going to the effort and just separating the hull and be done with it.

But will look at the options first.


Is "Hill" a supplier out there by you are something that can be ordered on-line?

Bill, I would like to see one of the anchors you have shown. Where are they available?

Thanks guys...
The alum, inserts, most hardware stores have them, downside is the tool is about 20 bucks with several diff, mandrils.Not a prob as I use it alot.

The rubber wellnuts you get at marine (boat) stores,I used them to mount a boat rack on my suburban back in the day, they work well.

After thinking a bit, I don't think I can use this as it must pass through a metal block that is about 3 inches thick then into the hull of the Jet Ski. So unless them make it in a LONG version, I will have to go another route.

The cost of the toll is not an issue if it works. Better than slitting the ski apart.. LOL
How about using a hole saw for access and then plugging the hole when done?

That might be easier than splitting the hull.
Hilti is a manufacturer of fasteners..... Homedepot carrys them...

Todd Z