Lots of ST's in Florida

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I was just in Tampa last week too. Saw lots of Tracs. I agree humidity was a killer. Glasses would fog up as soon as I stepped out of hotel.

Still pretty hot here in NorthEast and without any sort of ocean breeze it feels hotter.:wub:
We were in Ft. Myers, FL two weeks ago on vacation. I saw a lot more ST's there than at home in PA. Probably most of the ones in the south are 2wd. I really wanted a used one but I couldn't even scare one up. Saw a lot on eBay but most were 2wd and in the south. Here a 2wd truck is next to useless four months a year.
I was in Orlando from the 9th-15th - then i went to hutchinson island for 2 days, and then palm beach for 2 days... leaving today (actually in about an hour and a half.. i am in the airport on the laptop)..
