Make computer faster?

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Brian Teitell

Active Member
Jan 24, 2005
Reaction score
dallas, TX
What are ways to make my computer faster, i just defragmented it and it is still pretty slow. It is a Sony viao and is about two years old.
pimpedoutst, memory makes the computer faster and able to run multiple programs without slowing down. What system are you running? If it's XP then do a search for Black Viper. ( I think his website is under construction right now. He has "service configurations" that stop the programs that are running in the background that you don't use or know about. I did it and it did improve my computer speed. He also gives "super tweaks" for XP that free up memory space. I'm sure there will be other sites that have the same info on them. I also run a disc optimizer and then defrag and it helps. Let me know what you find.;)
If you are running MS Windows 98 or newer you can remove memory resident programs.

Look at the little icons next to your clock on the right side of the task bar.

All these little critters represent programs that are running resident in memory.

You can stop resident programs from loading at startup by this method.

Click, start, run, and type in msconfig, click OK.

Then select the last tab, STARTUP.

By unchecking the boxes you can keep the programs from loading up at startup.

My policy is if I can not identify the program I deselect it !!!

Also, keep your AntiVirus running !!!

Hope this helps....


I would check for and remove spyware first... a 2 year old sony should fly... go to and download their antispyware personal edition for free and run... it found 247 pieces of spyware on mine....

well u could just also go to ur setting or tools bars, internet settings, then delete temporary files and cookies, just that when u delete cookies, u have to reenter info such as u see above with ur name and email address.
A 2 year old Sony Viao laptop PROBABLY came standard with 256MB ram...hopefully in a single chip, but maybe not.

The questions are:

1. How much memory does it have?

2. How many "slots" does the mobo have (I suspect its proprietary laptop memory and not regular DIMMs but there are still slots of somesort)?

3. How many of the slots are currently filled?

What you want is a free slot (meaning it has two with only one filled) so that you can simply add 512MB of memory for a total of 768MB.


Try some housekeeping:

1. In Outlook Express empty your Deleted Items folder.

2. In Outlook Express run File, Folder, Compact All whilst OFFLINE.

3. Remove Temporary Internet Files by selecting Start, Control Panel, Internet Options, General tab, Delete Files and check box for "Delete all offline content".

4. Empty Recycle Bin.

Have you looked in Event Viewer for error messages?

If it's a hoome PC your task manager should be showing between 20 to 30 processes.

Have you tried starting the PC in safety mode to check if it is faster then?

Could be a screwed up installation, too, or wrong settings in the BIOS.

And as fast as the webpages and downloads are concerned: how fast is your Internet connection?

If you're running XP, open the control panel to find an option called "Adjust Visual Effects" - choose this and then the radio button "Adjust for Best Performance".

Just my 2cts
Besides spyware, adware, and unnecessary services that stays resident in memory, you probably have several (or more than several) legitimate programs that keep "stubs" in memory. You'll generally see icons for those in the System Tray (or System Notification Area) - the bottom right-hand area of your taskbar, or in the Startup folder. Each one of those only takes a little bit of memory, but they add up. Sometimes you won't see them in the tray or the startup folder, but they'll be loaded anyway. These stubs are supposed make access to the program faster, but I personally don't see that much of a difference, except that they will bog a machine down. Some of the common programs include anything by Adobe, Quicktime, Realplayer, AIM or any other instant messenger, Microsoft Office, and display control panels. Obviously, that's not a complete list, but I've seen some trays that take up half of the taskbar area.

By comparison, I have only 22 services, which includes AVG anti-virus, running in the background.
Ah yes, the old "icon tray", or as I like to call it: "The Vegas Strip"...because every vendor wants THEIR application running and displayed prominently there.

Kefguy is right....clear it as much as possible.

TJR much MEMORY, not HHD space?

As your computer boots it should count up memory or at least display it before the WindowsXP load screen appears.

Or, once your computer is up, "Right Click" on the task bar, select "Task Manager", go thte "Performance" tab and see the amount of memory reported under "Physical Memory (K)", "Total".

Lastly, to figure out how many memory slots your computer has either:

1) Post your exact model number here and someone can look it up on the Sony website in their Support area

2) Crack open your case and look

3) Look in your owners manual under the section on "upgrading memory" (whatever it is called).

That only leaves HOW MANY slots are available...for that you may need to either crack open the case or get that from the Model/Serial Number lookup on the Sony site (if they have such a thing in their support area).

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every time i load my computer and in the bottom rigth task bar like ten things open like AIM, quicktime, aol and other thinks that i dont want to start up how do i delete them?
Hit "Start" button, then "Run", type "msconfig", then go to "startup" folder. Use it frequently. If you are using AOL, especially an older version, then that alone will give you problems.

Me, if I was having problems with a computer over 2 years old, I would just reformat and start anew. That's the only way to clean up everything. Not that big of a deal as oing as you have original system disks.
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When i use aol it goes so slow i hate it but my internet explorer runs decent i have dsl what causes this problem? I already had this computer wiped clean one time