Me In 20 Years!

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Mike Wilson

Well-Known Member
Jul 21, 2005
Reaction score
Hohenwald, TN
An old man was driving down the Expressway on his way home when his

cellphone rang. Upon answering it, he found out it was his wife on the other

end with an urgent warning; "Harry, be careful on your way home. The News

just said there is someone driving down the Expressway going the wrong way!".

To which Harry replied; "Heck, Martha, it's not just one, it's hundreds of 'em!"


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I can see where Harry is coming from..........I'm right behind him. Thank God for that 5 star crash rating on my '07.

I was at the mall last night and saw a man about 60 years old holding two handfuls of clothes for his wife. I recalled seeing your post, Me in 20 years and said to my wife, that will be me in 20 years.

She promptly said, who are you kidding, that is you now....