Meta Tags: Huh??? laymens terms please

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LaRue Medlin

In Memoriam 1955-2017
Sep 28, 2000
Reaction score
Sumter, SC
Meta Tag: ""KEYWORDS""........OK, I basicly understand what they are, but could someone explain the rhyme and reason for them in IDIOT:huh: terms. And how indepth or expansive should I get. THANKS
These are what the search engines like Google, MSN, etc look for when they are listing websites. If someone searches for locksmith or keys and you have this in your meta tag you have a better shot of your site coming up.

There are also free search engine submittal programs you can use to get listed. Of course, if you pay the search engines to list you, you will get a higher rank. No more of the most revelant site coming up first. :(

Oh yea... you can also use them to set some page settings like font, etc.

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Meta tags are just part of getting higher rankings. Do a search on SEO (search engine optimization) and it will explain what the big boys are looking for on your site and what you can do to try to 'play their game'.

Content is king. When Google or any of the other search engines 'spider' your site they are looking more at the actual content on your page now more than the meta tags. It used to be the meta tags would give the story about your page, but as with most things on the Internet, a select few have ruined it for the masses, and started to 'load up' their keywords and skewing results.

It is also why on some pages you see a bunch of information on a page, usually near the bottom, where there is just a bunch of words jammed in a space that really have nothing to do with the content on that page other than to 'draw attention' to the page from the spider. The algorithms that are being used now by the search engines are getting better and try to ignore that stuff so they can give valid results. Of course $$ skew results anyways because you can buy good rankings.

If you want to look at code on other pages go to a site, right click on the page and choose View Source. It will open up the code for that page and you can look at the info in the header and see what they have might want to do this on your competitions website if they get high rankings. (if you can't beat 'em, copy 'em?)

On my ebay auctions I add about 300 popular search terms at the bottom of the description,the smallest font in white with a white background, people might not be looking for what I offer, but it will appear on their search and perhaps they know someone that wants it... ;)
Thats why when you search sesame street and you get nothing but porn sites.... Bastards.

Todd Z
Money driven, Todd, as almost anything else in this world.

Google and Yahoo, and I would think any other search engine can filter the results of the search to exclude inapropiate materials on the result, just set it on your search preferences.
Dammit, I just Googled "Sesame Street" and after sifting through the first several pages of hits didn't find ONE porn site. Guess that "nothing but porn sites" claim of Todd Z's is a little alarmist.

As for Fer's statement that search engine are able to filter out inappropriate material, all I can say is they do the best they can, but none claim to be or are even close to 100% blocking.

Let's suppose you are searching for information on breast cancer, or researching statistics on child missing or one added search keyword and you get VERY different results, and how is the search engine supposed to know that you intended a G-rated search vs an R or X rated one?

Yes, I do think web site and web browser standards should be defined and adopted that will allow filtering, but even if they existed today (e.g. use of a .sex domain name; or meta-tags that include rating information, etc), than there will always be those trying to push their wares that work outside of the standards.

It was for this very reason that the FCC supeoned Google and requested one months worth of search strings entered by its users (redacted nonetheless). The last I knew, Google wasn't complying. The intent by the FCC was to show that even when NOT looking for porn, porn looks for you!

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Fer - I was doing the same thing, hiding keywords in my ads. Someone complained and eBay pulled about 75 of my auctions and said if I did it again my account would be suspended. They suck!...LOL I would sell more out of my store than any fixed or auction listing.

Some of the tricks you are using....the hidden keywords, etc. are known as black hat SEO tricks and wil get your page banned from google if they find out.
