Microsoft Software Question??

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Kevin Palmer

Well-Known Member
Jul 18, 2001
Reaction score
Madison, OH
Our agency has cut some sort of a deal with Microsoft that allows us to buy the following software for $19.95 plus $3.00 to $5.00 for freight.

· Microsoft Office 2003 Professional

· Microsoft Front Page 2003

· Microsoft Project 2003 Standard

· Microsoft Visio Professional 2003

· Microsoft Office X 2004 for Macintosh

· Microsoft Office Publisher 2003

Comes fully licensed direct from Microsoft. In fact, we go to their site and click and buy direct from them.

At any rate, other than the Office Software what is the other software used for or would be good to have it for etc etc?????


FrontPage is for webpage development, Project is for project planning timelines etc, Visio can be used for engineering type diagram, flow charts, etc, and I can't remember about Publisher. I think it might be for creating small business type publishings.

Of course, everything will be on

Nelson, you are correct.

I just wasn't sure if the other software other than the Office Software was something I would be interested in???


Nelson, I took my E-7 Service wide today. Man... Some of the questions killed me.

They asked about the war of 1812. One of the questions was, "Name e the first five African American women to join the Coast Guard".

I was like WOW.... I am betting they other races out there have no Caucasian questions on their test.. LOL

Oh well, we will see how I did in a few weeks I guess....
Publisher will also allow you to to basic web development. I currently work on a 3rd aprty marketing program from Microsoft.

Home Use Program Published: June 23, 2003 | Updated: September 15, 2005

Employees can get a licensed copy of Microsoft Office desktop applications, such as Microsoft Office Professional, Microsoft Project, and Microsoft Visio Professional, to install and use on a home computer. The Home Use Program enables you to offer employees flexible workspace options that can boost productivity and enhance their overall work satisfaction.

In addition, having access to Microsoft Office applications at home gives employees greater opportunities to improve their skills, helping to maximize the return on your software investment. All the employee pays for the Home Use Program is the cost of media (CDs), shipping, and handling.

Well, I'm thinking a few of these are well worth the opportunity to purchase at such a great price.

Small money for the potential return....
Nelson, I took my E-7 Service wide today. Man... Some of the questions killed me.

Coastie, it's the Chief's test!!! As a fellow seafarer, I hope it means as much to you guys in the CG as it does to us in the Navy. :) I'll have to tell you sometime about my fun parking in the "Chief's" parking at Gunter Annex when I was at the Air Force Senior NCO Acadamy..... :) They dont appreciate humor very much :)

Good Luck! It's a definite improvement in quality of life if you get selected.'

Second, where do you actually order these from? I have never heard of this program, is it only for fed employees, or can military buy also?
In my case. We have a direct link to Then we input a password ans these are the prices that come up. As Nelson mentioned about it seems to be a Home Use Program for Government employees.

That said, it was offered to me while I was attached to our PSU (Port Security Unit) while stationed in Port Clinton, Ohio.

So I have to assume that there must be something available for Military members but I don't know that for a fact.

Maybe Nelson may have some more input on that....

USCG does take the E-7 rate pretty serious as a general rule and I can see that there is a "Difference" in the respect level over all once you get past the E-6 rate. Although the E-6 thing has not been a bad gig. But... it was time to move up as I have almost 23 years in so I need to get ready for retirmenet....
Microsoft Office 2003 Professional = Word, Excel, PowerPoint,Access

Microsoft Front Page 2003 = Web page development software

Microsoft Project 2003 Standard = Project Planner, Gannt charts and timelines software

Microsoft Visio Professional 2003 = Graphic design system for Flowcharts, Org Charts, etc

Microsoft Office X 2004 for Macintosh = Office for Mac's

Microsoft Office Publisher 2003 = Desk top publishing like brochures, newpapers, ads, etc


I have the Microsoft Office package. What is cool, is if you attempt to install on a second computer (such as a laptop) it will give you a phone number to call to get a second license at no cost.

In the Air Force, the Major Commands, such as ACC, AFMC, etc. have arranged for the Home Use Program. I am unsure about the Navy and Coast Guard. If you have a Communications Network Facility on base, you should ask the guys there. Us Communications-Computer geeks usually know how to plug into programs such as this.

Unless you do a lot of drawings, such as schematics or simple blueprints, Visio wouldn't be very useful. You can do most Org Charts in Powerpoint. We have one very slightly used copy of Visio in our office. All we use it for is to read existing drawings, which can easily be done with the FREE reader available fro Microsoft. If you really need a good drawing program, I recommend AutoCAD. It is much more powerful, but is much more expensive.

Microsoft Project is a high-powered project management program. Unless you manage very large and complex projects, it would probably be useless. I have been a Project Manager for almost 18 years, and have only found it useful for projects exceeding a million dollars, or major programs which involve the coordination of numerous smaller projects. The program isn't very intuitive either. I really didn't figure out the nuances of it until the Air Force sent me to a class dedicated to teaching the software.
Oh yeah, about the E-7 tests. Bad subject with me. I missed the stripe the year before last by 2.5 points. This year I missed by 5! Seems I must have gotten out of sync on the bubbles on the answer sheet. I dropped 25 points on the Skills Knowledge Test (SKT) related to my job. I know I didn't get THAT stupid in one year! Grrr! :angry: I'm already studying for next year's test. I'll get it this time or my name ain't Fred...err Nelson.
Cruz - When did you go to the Senior Enlisted Academy? I am planning on submitting a package to attend next year, hopefully will get to go to our own vice the Air Force, although I wouldn't complain as long as I got selected. No way any of those other services do it up like us Navy guys do when it comes to selection to Chief. I am sad though to see all the changes implemented each year. Soon we'll be taking these guys out for dinner and having a pinning ceremony. Oh well the times they are a changin.

Nelson, keep pluggin away and it'll come to you. Like I tell all my First Classes that work for me, one way to gurantee you won't make Chief is to not make board.
Nelson, I have no idea why it's titled "Surprise Photo" Only thing I could think does that is I run an auto password program and probably the last post I made was in a topic called Suprise Photo and it just kept that data and when I logged into the site and made the above post it probably just auto filled the last info.

In ther Navy we use a test for advancement to Chief, but the test is only used to get you to the board. You score high enough and then your record goes before the selection board. For advancement to Senior Chief (E-8) and Master Chief (E-9) it's a board only. I get my first look for Master Chief next April. There have been lots of changes in Navy weather so our promotion percentages have taken a big hit the last couple years. We are actually putting Navy forecasters in Sembach, Germany with the Air Force forecasters next year.