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Sarah Morgan

May 30, 2006
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denver, CO i have a few questions. first of all what kind of mileage do your sport tracks get in the city and on the highway? secondly, i dont know all that much about cars. my sport trac has over 152,000 miles on it (its a 2001) and i was wondering if there is anything that i can do to pronlong its life other than change the oil regularly....thanks
My ST gets about 15 mpg in the city and 18 mpg on the highway. Oil changes every 3 to 5,000 miles, transmission flushes every 30k, and checking your spark plugs and wires to make sure they are still running well is a good start. The maintenence project sections of the site should help with a little more insight.
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I went from Pullman, Washington to Las Vegas in 18 hours (Non stop) then drove around the city for a few days and made the trip back again. I averaged (this is with calculating cost and gallons used with miles driven) 15.5 miles to the gallon. Keep in mind this is 2600 miles, round trip, driven at an average speed of 75-80 mph. I was pretty happy with that.

Sorry it doesnt answer your question of mpg for highway and city, but it is a perspective of long distance. Thought it would help. :)

Also my 2002 truck has just over 50000 miles on it and everything is great. I check and change my oil regularly and pay close attention to my transmission.
For my first 35K miles in my 04, I averaged right at 18 mpg for all types of driving. Best tank was about 22 mpg, worst around 15. On my first tank with the Xcal2 87 oct economy tune I got 18.8 mpg during two weeks of all in-town, short trip driving. This was the first time a tank of gas has lasted for 15 days. Did highway trips on the weekend and right now it is sitting right on the 1/2 mark [which is less than 1/2 tank capacity] after 255 miles.
My '02 is pushing 60k miles. I hope I can get 150k out of it! In my very un-scientific study, my Trac averages about 17 mpg in mixed driving. I have calculated 20mpg on several highway-only trips 0f 3+ hours with only passengers. Again, this was calculated the old fashioned way: filled it up, reset the trip odometer, and filled it up again and divided miles driven by gallons required to fill it up again. I usually drive within 5 mph of posted speed limit. I wish it were better, but I've never had a vehicle whose FPG was higher than my Trac! (Fun per Gallon)
Well I have only had my ST for a few weeks now,the first check on intown driving was 15 mpg. My first road trip out of town I got 24 mpg.I am fixing to check my next tank of intown driving and I am sure that it is not going to be great,The first full tank check.My St has 129,000 miles on it.I just changed to a synthetic oil. Hope that it gives you some idea. Ron
'02 4x4 with 74k and I get 18.5mpg. That's a combination of hwy, city, stop-n-go, etc.
I think it also has a lot to do with where you live, contours of the land/streets, as well as gas quality. In Orlando, FL (lots of flat land, stop-and-go traffic, etc.) I got 14mpg for the first year or so of owning my Trac. Now, with 50K miles on it, I get almost 16mpg with mixed City/Hwy driving.