Military Retire-eezzzzz

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Man, you're getting damn good at this!

Carolina Lock, Key & Graphics perhaps? :grin:
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Looks good, but seeing as though you abbreviated A.S.A.F, I vote you also abbreviate U.S. Coast Guard to U.S.C.G. so you can have the formatting the same with just "retired" on the one side. Just my opinion. They look great.
And U.S. Marine(s) in plural. :grin:
Steve, had this for about 10 years ..................................

[Broken External Image]:

(LaRue Merida Rose) aka the Medlin Family
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Your CLK logo looks much better. LOL :supercool:
I recommend changing them so all the text on each side is in a straight line. As it is, the "U" being at a different angle than "U.S. Marines" looks a little funny. Same goes, only less so, for the "U" in "U.S. Navy".

That, and the "Proud Military Veteran" is slightly, but noticably, off-center.

Otherwise, they look great! Nice job!
I like those!

Does the location change give you sufficient space to spell out "U.S. Air Force"? Eliminate the space between the "U." and "S." if necessary. If there's still no space, leave it as-is.

The all look very good, and I don't object to the Air Force Abreviation.

The only part that looks awkward is the lettering in the blue ribbon at the bottom of the Shield. The lettering is perfectly straight but the ribbon curves. In some of your earlier versions you curved the lettering a bit to flow with the ribbon and it looks more natural, but some of the letters were at a weird angle that did not fit the angle of the ribbon, or where not centered in the ribbon?

Looks Great..

the only thing I would change.. is changing the Military Veteran Served with Pride.

by adding a Flag wave to it to match teh curve of the scroll it is in..


I'm not a PhotoShop expert, and I figured that it would be hard to curve the text to match the curve of the ribbon.

Perhaps instead of trying to curve the entire phrase, it might work better to place each letter manually at the proper angle and postition.....granted, more work, but the end results might achieve the proper effect?


Close, but look at the spacing above and below the letters in the curved ribbon. The letters still do not flow with the gentle curves of the ribbon, The word "Military" starts out centered in the ribbon but does not curve as sharply as the ribbon so by the time you get to the middle of the word the gap from the bottom of the letters to the bottom of the ribbon increases and the angle of the letters don't match the curvature of the ribbon. The words "Served with Pride" starts with the "Served" being too low and ends with "Pride" needing much more upward curve to match the ribbon curve.

I'm sure it's hard to get the letters to curve at the angles necessary to match the curve of the ribbon, so perhaps it might be easier to just straighten the ribbon some near the bottom peak? That way you could make the letters smaller so that they fit in the straighter part of the ribbon near the middle?



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