Why bookmark it Tom?
I have always said I don't think I have an absolute position on any "general" principle or ideal but instead can articulate my stance for specific examples, even when they contradict.
Yeah, sure, I've been a stickler when others here take a position on an issue, then contradict that stance on another issue. I show them how they have a contradiction between the two specific issues and the fundamental issue at hand and ask them to explain it (note the explanations I gave above). Often when I do that they get all bent out of shape and can't even recognized the fundamental, same issue. That trait and inability shows an inability to consider differing points of view and to think abstractly...things I actually try to pursuade people to do.
I'm introspective enough to recognize that there are basic ideals, like protectionism, or government authority, etc, that I most definiately have differing opinions on for specific situations. If I didn't, I would be a zealot, I suppose.
It's like the OPEC vs Union discussion we had long ago. I stated that OPEC is essentially the same as a union, and that if one were to support the rights of one, it seems they would be inclined to support the rights of the other. When I made that point to you, I think you claimed they aren't the same thing so there is no reason to why supporting one and not the other is a contradiction. A better argument, IMHO, would have been to simply recognize the sameness and then explain why you support one, but not the other, giving reasons why.
That's what I did above. I noted and recognized the "general" protectionism aspect of what you were describing, and explained why for "specific" examples I took the pro side, and others the con.