The price will go up before the wages go up. That is inflation. The value of our money is less therefore it takes more of it to buy something. Since the value of our money is worth less, we need to get paid more of it to be able to buy anything.
A goberment-mandated "minimum" wage is similar in many ways to a tax... that is artificial inflation. If Burger King was makeing 25% profit on a hamburger at $5.15/hr, now they have to pay $5.85 an hour, they are still going to command a 25% profit... that means that the price of the burger has just gone up overnight:
An example (not based on actual costs, just what I can figure from my time in food service):
July 21 - Cost of a Whopper: $2.39
July 21 - Direct In-Store Labor Cost to make that Whopper: $.43 ($5.15 an hour, taking 5 minutes to make)
July 21 - Net Income In-Store: $1.96
July 21 - 25% Profit: $.49
July 24 - Cost of a Whopper: $2.39
July 24 - Direct In-Store Labor Cost to make that Whopper: $.49 ($5.85 an hour, taking 5 minutes to make)
July 24 - Net Income In-Store: $1.90
July 24 - 25% Profit: $.475
When you look at how many Whoppers BK sells everyday, $.015 per hamburger quickly adds up (some places more than 8,000 a day - equals $120 a day just on Whoppers and just in Direct labor....).
Expect to see a 13% increase in costs with any company that deals strictly in minimum wage jobs.
It has been 10 years since the minimum wage has been raised, McDonalds and Burger King have raised their prices many times since then. Remember Arby's had the 5 for $5.00 deal. Even before a raise in the minimum wage, 5 for $5.00 was dropped due to raising costs.
Not in my town... 5 or $5 is still alive and kickin.... probably going to have a taste of it tonight! Mmmmm.... Arby's Melt <drool>....
A "minimum" wage was NEVER designed to be a "Living Wage" it was designed to be just what it is... a price floor for hourly pay. It was never to have been the level at which someone could support a family off of. If you are trying to support a family on minimum wage for an extended period of time (there are lots of people that have to take a minimum wage job inbetween career moves) you have made some bad decisions. There are plenty of jobs out there that pay significantly more than minimum that people are hiring for.
I personally am proud to say that I have only worked (1) minimum wage job in my life (that was more than being a camp counselor) and that was for a total of 2 weeks.... Steak and Shake sucks. I have been worked for (10) different companies in 12 years (some were at the same time) and only (1) has been minimum. The jobs are there that pay more.