mods in progress

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Art Garcia

Well-Known Member
Feb 26, 2008
Reaction score
Sevierville, TN
I have started the painting my cladding project.

Im doing little by little, as i dont have to much

free time on my hands. I have taken off my nerf bars

and mud guards, i will be painting them tomorrow along

with my side cladding. To be honest i like the look

without nerf bars and mud guards better. It appears to sit

higher and looks good with my new 265's hankooks. but

having the OEM nerf bars and mud guards just makes the ST

look well equipped and that looks nice.

I need money so im debating whether to sell them or keep

for future changes. i also have my tow hooks removed and

thought about selling.

any opinions fellow Sport Trac'ers?




I've had this little debate going in my head since I started stripping my ST down bit by bit. I'm keeping everything, so that later when/if I feel the need to switch up the look of my ST, I dont have to go hunting for them later.
I keep all my stock parts. When and if I sell my '04. I will pull all mod and performance parts for sale. The trac will sell faster in stock condition. Plus you dont get any extra for the mod parts, when on the the vehicle.

When I sold my '94 stang, afew years ago. I got $7k for it. Probably had $10K in performance and mod parts on it. It is only worth book value. Sometimes, if you have the right buyer. They might be willing to give extra $$ for your mods. If they are comparing yours to another and they are looking for some mods.
+1 on what Eddie said...

I sold my 04 ST for what i wanted without all the performance mods..... Sold the mods for anther $1,000 bucks that I would not have sold the truck for....

Keep what you can.....

Todd Z
i took mine off and threw them in my garage where they are simply chilling for the time being untill they are either sold or put back on...