Mojave Desert Camp Trip

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Mark Santini

Active Member
Jun 3, 2006
Reaction score
Fresno, CA
Just a pic from our recent trip to the desert for a weekend outing with the son-in-law and his toys. he took a 450 KTM, Yamaha 250 4x4. It was cold and rained at night, but was worth the trip. I towed the 99 Terry and it didn't give me any trouble accept for a blow-out on the way down. Went over the pass really easy, bottom speed was 45mph. This place is great for anyone wanting to get out in the wide open and no rules on generators, etc. Was a really good time. Enjoy![Broken External Image]::D[Broken External Image]:
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Anyone who says it doesn't get cold in the desert, has never been to one. I froze my butt off at night over in Saudi Arabia during the first Gulf War. Looks like a fun place to crack those bikes open on. Glad you had a good time.;)
About 15 years ago while I was visiting my Aunt in California we went out to the desert to see the Space Shuttle land and boy was it cold. What a sight it was though. Very impressive. I was actually surprised at how close you were allowed to get. I'm sure security is a lot tighter now with everything going on in the world today.
You mean to say that you can just roll out to the desert and just go cruising through it? You could, in effect, relive the movie Vanishing Point (the desert driving part) if you so desired? I thought somewhere, some idiot would have made something as cool as that illegal. I'll have to remember that when I take my trac cross country this summer.

Driving through the desert, just because it would be cool, and an experience that doesn't come often on the east coast. All right.
Nice pics! Reminds me of when I used to go visit my grandfather in Barstow when I was younger. We used have some desert outings as well. It sure does get cold out there in winter.