The problem is not completely the fault of the rank and file assembly worker in terms of poor sales. scootch, the thing that compells people in the face of losing their jobs to continue working hard is pride, dedication and character. In our country and culture today: pride, character, discipline, religious faith (belief in God) hard work and love of education-learning are not taught in schools (education is a disaster) and most times not taught at home with a two parent family.
The union and workers share responsibility for the decline in the US auto industry becasue they made demands for ever greater benefits not tied to their performance, production and quality standards.
The auto executives are also to blame for their industries decline for conceeding to the unions on their labor contract demands but also for having a flawed business model. The executives at all the remaining domestic auto makers are very insular with a do no wrong attitude. In the world market place better, higher quality, fairly priced goods and services will always win out. This formula for success has been around for a long time, historically both in Western and Eastern cultures. You are correct people are smart enough to recognize the cost and qualitative differences between products, although subjective to a degree it is a factor that governs the market. Until the US auto makers, GM & Ford, recognize market forces and actually make changes they will either go out of business or be acquired by other more successful auto companies. As an example, Chrysler was acquired by Diamler-Benz and integrating different corporate cultures has been difficult. As a result Chrysler is still struggling as a business and financially. Merging different business cultures is not a gaurantee for success. Should Toyota buy GM it would not gaurantee the success of GM but may in fact cause the decline of Toyota and force GM as we know it out of business due to the stark business culture differences. If you recall many of the joint ventures by GM, Ford, Chrysler with foreign auto makers 10-15 years ago have been terminated due to poor corporate culture clashes. Just my thought on the subject.
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