I do believe that you are on drugs RShek.
I have NEVER taken illicit drugs. I am not currently prescribed any drugs of any sort. I have given up alcohol several months ago. Any alligations of such conduct, sir, are blatent falsehood and slander.
ATTENTION: Every Democrat is going to make the big boys pay higher taxes. AND it wont even be at a rate NEAR what everyone else pays.
Percentage wise? Probably not, depends on who you call "big boys". If by that you mean Steve Jobs, Warren Buffet, and Bill Gates... yeah, you're right. But if you mean the "big boys" making $200,000 a year, like the school teacher married to the firefighter in New York... get a clue.
Do you work for a small business? Maybe one with 2-3 employees? They will be hardest hit by any tax increase and you could realistically expect to lose your job.
The Top 10% of wage earners in this country pay around 90% of the income tax. The bottom 40+% of the wage earners pay nearly 0% income tax with all the deductions and programs available.
Raising tax's is not ALWAYS a bad thing. Some economists, like Alan Greenspan, was against the Bush Jr. Tax cuts and was quoted saying it was a big mistake.
Go back and read all the comments that Greenspan made. He said that if spending were to remain the same as it is now, a tax hike would be necessary. Guess that means that what the Democrats want to do to SCHIP and simlar programs require tax hikes to. No thanks, I'll take care of my own family and keep my money.
This is complete BULL *%#@
Bottom Rate: 14% -
No Change
Top Rate: 70% -
No Change
Bottom Rate: 13.825% (1981) 12% (1982) 11% (1983-1988) -
Top Rate: 69.125% (1981) 50% (1982-1986) 38.5% (1987) 28% (1988) -
Bottom Rate: 15% -
Top Rate: 28% (1989-1990) 31% (1991-1992) -
Bottom Rate: 15% (1992-2000) -
No Change
Top Rate: 39.6% (1992-2000) -
Bottom Rate: 15% (2001-2002) 10% (2003-Present) -
Top Rate: 39.6% (2001-2002) 33% (2003-Present) -
So, who's full of
BS now? So I called Carter a Tax hiker and he kept taxes the same. Booo Hooo. 4 years and the anti-semite did what exactly but empower Iran?
RShek I think you are a borderline "corporate media" GOP pundit.
Why is it that your buddy Bush has the LOWEST approval ratings in recorded history? It aint because we are all making mo money dude. He is taking care of his BASE instead of his country.
I wouldn't join the GOP if you had a gun to my head. The GOP is as bad as the Democrats in many ways. Why the hell would I put myself down by joining them? They put up candidates much closer to my personal values, but that does not mean that I am one of them and resent the remark.
The Bush tax cut was across the board...right?
Absolutely. The marginal rates went from 15%, 28%, 31%, 36% and 39.6% to 10%, 15%, 25% and 33%, plus the Child deduction went from $600 to $1000, amungst other changes.
They cut taxes for the top earnings bracket sonny.
Don't you dare call me sonny. I am not related to you and would be ashamed if I was. Atleast I have the FACTS to back up what I say.
Which equates to 2 percent of the population at best. When you say they (Reagan, Bush) cut taxes you are SPINNING
I smell something. Oh yeah. That was the $300 that you got from your tax pre-bate in 2003 burning a hole in your pocket. But then again, I'm sure that you sent your check back didn't you? You know, if you feel you're not paying enough now. you can ALWAYS pay MORE voulentarily. Until then, keep you filthy hands out of my and my chil