Mother of all Tax Bombs

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You said Bush cut taxes again. Hmmm Is your last name Microsoft or Exxon?

Awww... Whos the cute, funny little Troll?

What world are you living in?

It's call REALITY, get a dose of it.

That extreme right wing lying piece of sheep dung did not cut my taxes, he RAISED em> Thats right. RAISED>

Ok, uh, how do you figure? Everyone else in the country's taxes dropped. I guess Mr. Bush and Mr. Cheney got together and looked through 300 MILLION names and said "Hey... there's that silly little guy named 'frank'. Let's besure to RAISE his taxes and give EVERYONE else a tax break.

Conspiracies happen, just not when it comes to the average everyday Joe's taxes.

Just like everyone else who makes less than 250K. (which is STILL 99 percent of the population of the United states)

This is, afterall the most affluent country in the world. People are BREAKING INTO this country just to get a taste of what CAPITALISM is. Personally, the year that I see a $250,000 income in my house will be a day of great rejoicing and celebration. Not a day of misery because I am in the top 15% of incomes. In 2003, acording to the IRS, there were 2.1% of the returns with a rate of 33% or higher (or an income of $174,600 if married, filing jointly). They accounted for $281,163,106, or just a smidge over $281 MILLION. In comparison, it takes the cumulative total of everyone UNDER 20% tax (upto $56,800 married, filing jointly) and 1/2 the people making 25% ($114,650 and less) to get to the same level. The difference it on a mere 31.1% of all 2003 tax returns.

The difference here is that I applaud people for making money. I am jelous in the fact that I am not one of them, YET.

You, my dear friend, are jelous because you think that no one should make more than you do. That's MARXISM at it's finest.

I bet when you pass the plate on Sunday and put less and less in there to make up for your higher tax bill, you somehow justify that the "man up-stairs" wants it this way. GO BUSH 4 more years! Praise him! HA

I am proud to put more than 12% of my income into the offering plate. It's the least I could do for GOD who bless me with a wonderful life, a beautiful wife, two amazingly perfect children, a country that is to die for, but more importantly a reason and a purpose to live on this earth, do what I can for my fellow man and enjoy the blessings this planet offers. If I'm in need of more money, I don't give less, I give MORE. I trust GOD for my finance more than I trust my own job. If you, sir, had an sense of spiritualism, you may just see that for yourself.

Republicans are always going to keep taxing people instead of big business and wasting our money and Democrats are going to tax everybody that works for a living and give it to lazy f*ckers that don't want to work, just to get their votes.

Partly right. Business don't pay taxes. It's another cost that is amoritized into the cost of doing business and is passed along to the customers. Businesses are there to make money. The more money they make, the more they return to their investors. When they make money, but then do not account for the Income Tax they pay on that money, they end up losing money and the investors are not happy. When Goberment raises income tax on "business" the business will raise prices because their investors will continue to demand the business makes a profit, or the business fails.

Democrats have never heard of a tax increase they didn't like.

Bill Clinton signed into law only ONE federal income tax increase -- OBRA in 1993. OBRA instituted two new, upper-income tax brackets: a rate of 36 percent applied to couples making between $140,000 and $250,000 annually, and a rate of 39.6 percent applied to couples with an annual income of mor
I will state again: Democrats CUT "your" taxes and Republicans RAISE "your" taxes. It all depends where you stand. The Dems lower taxes for people making less than 200K and Republicans lower taxes for the upper income bracket know the 1 or 2 percent of Americans (the elite) who dont need tax breaks. They need to pay thier %*@*ING share!

I guess 96.03% is not good enough for you and the Top 50%. I guess 29% is not good enough for you on the Top 1%. What's better for the Top 1%? 50%? 75%? This country did not become the greatest in the history of the world by taxing the bat crap out of anybody who got ahead. With the size of taxes you want, the Railroads would never have been built, New York City would not exist, you will still be riding your horse to work in a plantation field because the Rockefellers, Fords, Carnegies, Morgans, and Vanderbuilts would not have succeeded. The US Government would have CRUSHED them with taxes. Some, they nearly did fail due to taxes and regulations.

Now that I have laid out the proof any dummy who wants to contradict what I say may do so sure...but you CANNOT lie to yourself: you are HURTING us all.

Uh let's see - you called me names, you ranted, you gave incorrect information that is not backed up by FACT. What proof have you laid out so far? What have you prooven? You've PROOVEN that you can find (1) tax increase that Mr. Clinton signed into law (negating the fact that there was nearly 100 different parts of that law). You've prooven that taxes were lower under Mr. Clinton than during WWII. But you also prooved my fact that Mr. Clinton RAISED taxes.

If there is a single LIAR in this whole argument, good sir, I suggest that YOU look in the mirror. The only hurting done is to your ego since my facts contradict your reality.
I am proud to put more than 12% of my income into the offering plate. It's the least I could do for GOD who bless me with a wonderful life, a beautiful wife, two amazingly perfect children, a country that is to die for, but more importantly a reason and a purpose to live on this earth, do what I can for my fellow man and enjoy the blessings this planet offers. If I'm in need of more money, I don't give less, I give MORE. I trust GOD for my finance more than I trust my own job. If you, sir, had an sense of spiritualism, you may just see that for yourself.

I wasn't aware that God needed our money in heaven. Since the Euro is more powerful than the US dollar, has he switched to the Euro or is he still using the dollar. Also, does he check the larger bills with that special marker to make sure it is real?:rolleyes:

Anyone that brags about how much money they give to god is not being blessed on what they give. You give what you can and nobody needs to know what you give.

I am not impressed!

You don't get it, Adam. The media has trained us to HATE anyone with a different belief than ourselves, and especially we are to HATE anyone of the other political party.

Hatred is what it is all about these days...


Hatred is so over rated. Hatred is what happens when facts come in the way of a good argument. One side usually ends up in name calling, the other walks away smiling.

I don't hate frank for his viewpoints, I find his lack of data and outlandish comments to be childish, and annoying, but hate is not how I feel.

I prefer to have debates with the likes of TJR and Caymen. I know their passions. I know their beliefs and I know when their breaks from civility are good natured ribbing.

Not to be too frank (hehe, I made a funny!), but I can't expect somebody who's first post was almost 4 months ago to know all the personalities on this site, or the intricacies of etiquite on sites like this. If this was on MySpace, I could see such ramblings being the norm.

It's 12:30 am. The wife has called me to bed three times now. I'll be back.
I wasn't aware that God needed our money in heaven. Since the Euro is more powerful than the US dollar, has he switched to the Euro or is he still using the dollar. Also, does he check the larger bills with that special marker to make sure it is real?

:lol: Nice.

Anyone that brags about how much money they give to god is not being blessed on what they give. You give what you can and nobody needs to know what you give.

Actually, I am being blessed on what I give since I am tithing and offering above the tithe, in line with what Melchizedek received from Abram and was reiterated by Jesus. I am blessed in the tithe and the offering.

I am not impressed!

I don't expect you to be. Frankly, I don't care if you are or not. It was there for a point.

God doesn't need our money in heaven, but the churches do need the money to operate and spread the Word of God around the country and around the globe. It's also used to help the less fortuneate.
I know all about spreading the word.

Again, telling everyone about how blessed you are and you tithe. Good for you. The poor guy that does not have enough money to tiths is blessed for the penny he is able to give. Even more blessed than someone that openly tithes.

Just to clarify one thing...

You are against health care for people that can not afford adequit health care, yet you help those that are needy?

Wouldn't you consider helping someone stay healthy as important as giving them food?

The poor guy that does not have enough money to tiths is blessed for the penny he is able to give. Even more blessed than someone that openly tithes.

Since we like facts in our discussion, I thought I'd link to the below. Twelve years of Catholic education will do that to you.... :)

No, I am not making any religious references, etc. Just turning Tom's comment into the parable he likely thought of.
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Thanks for posting that link. I debated about posting it, but just did not do it.

I have studied the bible over and over. I have read it cover to cover...twice.

I also know there is no need to brag on what I give and who I give it to. That is my business. I know we feel proud to be able to give, but frankly, that is just something there is no need to talk about it.

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You are against health care for people that can not afford adequit health care, yet you help those that are needy?

Wouldn't you consider helping someone stay healthy as important as giving them food?

I don't have a problem with getting people getting adequit health care. I don't see any kind of disconnect between that and helping the needy.

Where I see the disconnect is that it's not the government's responcibility. People have their priorities mixed up. Those who "can't" afford health care can probably afford two cars, a flat screen TV and the latest game console to come out. Priorities.

I would love to see everyone healthy. I would love to see everyone get the physicals and checkups they need to catch cancers and heart issues, diabetes, etc. The difference is that I would much rather prefer the marketplace determine prices rather that Big Brother.

You want to let the same people control Healthcare that control Social Security? Uh huh. Right. You know what, I think I'll pass on that. I get doube the performance out of my personally-controlled retirement accounts that I can ever expect to see out of Social Insecurity. While the American Healthcare system may not be perfect, it's infinately better than ANY government controlled system in the world.

Who says we have to have government controlled health care? Would a system like Medicare/Medicaid be all bad? Would allowing you "credits" to find a cheaper alternative for one doctor over another ultimatly bring the price down.

We are looking at two different extremes.

So much money we spend in insurance pays for billing and denying claims. A Single Payer Network would eliminate much of the overhead, while still providing better healthcare of everyone.


I think I have asked it twice now yet you can't seem to answer the question.

You keep saying all Republican presidents raise taxes, and that the Bush tax cut was for the ultra-rich only (2%ers).

Can you show proof of that specific case...that the Bush tax cut wasn't a tax cut for everyone?

Please show the proof and stop with the rhetoric.

God doesn't need our money in heaven, but the churches do need the money to operate and spread the Word of God around the country and around the globe. It's also used to help the less fortuneate.

Speaking of donations to the church....

How much goes to settlements and lawyer fees in a Catholic Church?
When it comes to health care, and I used to work for many years in health care, unfortunately the govt (mostly Dems) keep looking at govt heathcare and who is going to pay rather than working on the real factors that cause the cost to be high.

I could write a doctoral thesis on that, but it boils down to two things:

1. If something is paid for by insurance, its cost goes up.

2. If something is paid for by the govt, its cost goes up.
How much goes to settlements and lawyer fees in a Catholic Church?

That one left a mark.

I could write a doctoral thesis on that, but it boils down to two things:

1. If something is paid for by insurance, its cost goes up.

2. If something is paid for by the govt, its cost goes up.

The best solution would be for everyone to cancel their health insurance and pay cash for everything medical related?

How much goes to settlements and lawyer fees in a Catholic Church?

Who knows. I would assume a significant amount due to the suits brought during the last ten years. But, after reading the recent articles concerning sexual abuse by teachers in general, I would bet that a significant amount of your school taxes also finds its way into legal fees.

Now, I'd like to drive this discussion into a whole new direction--the statute of limitations on sexual abuse claims against the church. Where's the fairness in allowing a suit to proceed where the priest is (a) incompetent/senile/old now, or (b) has died? The church has almost no defense, and must settle because it knows a jury will hammer it no matter what. The way the current law works, it is quite easy to bring a frivolous claim for sexual abuse--and win. That ticks me off. I always ask--where was this claim 5-10-20 years ago? You feel fully able to accuse at 45, but not at 25?

I'm not saying abuse didn't occur. Shoot, it likely occurs in public schools, catholic churches, daycare centers, at home by babysitters, etc. But, the entire Catholic Church's situation seems to be ripe for abuse by litigants.
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The best solution would be for everyone to cancel their health insurance and pay cash for everything medical related?

I'm not saying that would be the best thing but it would get the cost down.

Myself, I have insurance for big stuff only...AFLAC because that's what I can afford. Everything else I pay cash and I've found that if you tell the provider that you often get a better price.

Last spring I had to get a CAT scan of my sinuses. Hospital was $1200, the doctor's office called another place that was $450, I called an imaging place near where I work and it was $235, so it helps to call around. They said they give cash patients the Medicare price. Naturally I went back to the same place for a sonogram of my kidneys (just a follow-up, I had kidney stones a few years ago). Cost $85 which I paid right there, problem is places are not used to getting paid on the spot any more and later I got a bill for the insurance price of $350. Called 'em up and straightened it out, not a problem, but I think what happens is that a lot of people can't afford to pay at all so the ones with insurance effectively pay for the ones who don't. Another thing is that healthy people often don't buy insurance. Sick people do. They way any insurance works is that many people pay in but not everyone has claims, ergo lower cost of insurance for everybody. BUT when a third-party then pays for stuff, you remove market forces that keep the price down because no one cares what it costs. The Medicare price was lower but the provider also knows they are going to get paid. That's important. But now as healthcare cost spirals up, less people can afford either care or insurance, leading to higher insurance cost, leading to less insured people, leading to providers having to charge more, leading to higher insurance cost.....
Catholic church should abolish the ancient and non-biblical practice of requiring priests to abstain, as well as not marry. Open it up and run out the perverts from the cloth.
But now as healthcare cost spirals up, less people can afford either care or insurance, leading to higher insurance cost, leading to less insured people, leading to providers having to charge more, leading to higher insurance cost.....

It also puts a strain on business therefore giving them a disadvantage to imports that have socialized medicine.

Well the person that I lease my shop from is a doctor. He's been in practice for 45 years.

He says, when Medicare patients come in for a physical and they have to draw blood they lose money. Medicare pays 35.00 for the lab work. Their lab charges 50.00 for the lab work.

A physical Medicare only pays 55.00 where he would normally charge 85.00 which takes an hour to complete.

85.00 is cheap especially when I have to bill at 85.00 an hour to do installations to cover my overhead expenses. I'm sure his overhead running a medical clinic is much higher than mine.

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