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I have been reading about this in all my bike mags. It is a neat idea, and although I live in Pennsylvania wear helmets are optional, (with certain requirements), I wear an open face helmet most of the time, I'd rather hit an air bag in front collision rather than slamming my face in to the speedometer or handlebars.
I know what you guys are saying, but what I was getting at is, the bag will work for the initial impact, but did you see how the dummy still got tossed off the bike? It may save some teeth and facial bones but you are still in for a world of hurt when you hit the ground after being bounced off the "balloon". Still a good concept. May have helped the my Steelers make it to the Superbowl this year if the bike Worthlessburger wrecked had one. Would have kept him from leaving his "first half of the season" talent on a hood of a car last summer.:D;)
While you may still get injuries from the secondary impact, it's that primary impact with the other vehicle that usually does the killing and/or the majority of the injuring. Just like with airbags in passenger cars, you'll still get injured, it's just a matter of minimizing the injuries.
Don't think the airbag would have helped in this case. Happened yesterday, and it's pretty impressive.... in a not good way.

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And here's a <a href=""target=top><b>link</b></a> to the story. The gist of it being a bike and Subura WRX were racing. The bike slammed into a camry pulling onto the road. The force of impact flipped the camry over and killed the driver. The biker survived and the wrx kept going.

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This will be just another reason for the younger crowd to think they can fly around on the bikes.

I know too many, and ride with them, that think "I'm wearing a helmet, so I can't get hurt". Thats all BS. The more invincible you make some riders feel, the more stupid they'll act.

I don't believe in mandatory helmet laws to protect me. I believe in mandatory safety courses or additions to the driver tests that explain the concept of "sharing the road". Even if that means sharing it with a bike.
Accidents like th above mentioned are hard to swallow.

The innocent seem to die more often then the guilty.

To bad anyone was hurt or killed, but WRONG the poor innocent victim has lost their life. Nothing can ever make that right or OK. Just try to explain it to the family.....

You can't.

The guilt the guilty party has to live with is there for a reason. Hopefully they learn from this and pass on their knowledge to others.