Mount a rifle case under the back seat?

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R Shek
If I have a weapon in my car and I was pulled over, I most definately would make the weapon visable and also be visually unloaded.

What does that mean, R Shek, that sometime between the time the cop pulls you over and he approachs your window you will, for instance, take a handgun out of the glove box, unload it, and set it besides you in the passenger seat?

Trying to understand a way, any way, you could "make the weapon visible" when pulled over that wouldn't result in a cop drawing his gun and yelling over a bullhorn.

R Shek,

It's the 7.62x39 and I am pretty sure it's WASR.

When Wolf ammunition is as cheap as it is (and you buy it by the thousands), the AK is fun as hell :D
Why would an officer prefer a visible weapon. A gun under the back seat is safter then one in the open in the front. To get the one in the back seat, you would have to exit the vehicle to access it. The same goes for one in the bed. If a gun is in the open, it is easy to access and use.

Longarm I too don't agree with what you're saying, or maybe misinterpreted.

I have a CCW, and most likely would hand you that ID and DL should you stop me.

I would also tell you I'm carrying.

That way you know I'm not a bad guy (bad guys don't have CCW reportedly), but I am packing as I have a license to do so.

I'm not about to start fiddling and fumbling with anything - like ammo, clips, unloading etc...I don't want to get shot either.

Please explain.

No, I have not noticed. But I haven't been shopping lately (school is crazy), but if there is a shortage I wonder why... I know that the ban was not passed again, so you can posses a larger magazine (I want a 20 or 30 round mag for my .223 that is based off the AK action).

x39 is in short supply at the moment. Lots of theories, no real proof. The last 1k that I bought I paid $88 delivered. I still have >400 rounds for my M59/66.

It will be available again, and I believe that it will be availble at lows prices again as well. Right now, there is a glut, thus the price rise. So many people own Mini-30's, AK's (and derivatives) and SKS's.

As far the visibility of the weapon when pulled over, I have a brother-in-law who is a sheriff deputy in Missouri. It was his suggestion. Personally, I do not carry a handgun in my car. I have carried as many as five long guns/shotguns at a time. To me, visibility is much more important. If it's an autoloader, the clip removed and slide locked open should suffice. If it's a revolver, swing the cylinder out or empty the rounds.

In many areas, it's actually illegal to carry a loaded handgun in a car without a CCW anyways, so it wouldn't matter too much. Know your local laws. If there is a question on how to let the ticketing officer know, talk to your local cheif LEO.
R Shek & Chops,

Actually, if you have a CCW, then thats great. You want to keep everything out of plain sight. Thats why in Michigan you must transport weapon in the trunk in a locked case. It's illegal to have a shotgun just out in the open in Michigan, CCW or not. In the case of driving an ST, the bed of st or under back seat in LOCKED case with ammo out of arms reach of weapon will suffice. As far as having a current CCW, it's your duty to notify any LEO that you pulls you over that you are a licensed CCW holder and are armed. You keep hands locked on steering wheel until told otherwise. If you make no mention of carrying a weapon and you do indeed have one on you and you don't notify me right away, the traffic stop becomes an investigatory stop and I would have grounds to remove you from vehicle for a pat down of weapons or anything that could hurt me, (Terry v. Ohio). If you have a weapon in plain view on the seat next to you and I walk up to your car, the first thing thats going to happen is you will probably hear me yell, "GUN!" and screw my service weapon in your ear until further investigation. If you carrying on your persons, then the way you should handle it is this:

Officer: Hi, I'm officer .............

You: Hello Officer, I have to inform you by law that I am a licensed CCW holder and am carrying a glock 27 on my right side. WHat would you like me to do?

Officer: Where is you wallet?........................................

Something like that anyway. I'm not by any neans trying to be a jerk here or anything like that. I'm just trying to help anyone who cares to avoid a potentially bad situation. Actually the best thing you can do when getting pulled over, especially at night is to pull over. Immediatly as pulling over, as carefully and fast as you can get your wallet out (only if it's on your persons, don't reach around in car) (As your pulling over), then turn on dome light, roll down window all the way, remove keys from ignition, place keys on the dash in front of you, and place hands (holding wallet) on steering wheel at 10 & 2. Then await the offiver to approach the car. Doing what I described will make the officer feel a little better not having you moving all around as he's walking up. If he does it right, you won't ever see him with all the lights until he's at your window, or depending on the side he approaches from. He will most likely know about your CCW before he even gets to your window. This way might actually help you aviod a ticket. Ohhh, and don't BS him or her. They know why they stopped you. "Do you know why I stopped you today" I hate it when people play stupid. If you upfront with me and seem apologetic and don't have a bad driving record, chances are, you will get a warning. Believe it or not, were not here to give you a hard time. On traffic stops, were looking for the real bad guys so-to-speak. Lots of good operations result from regular "low risk" traffic stops."

Please, any other LEO's chime in and correct me if you see anyting wrong here.
They know why they stopped you. "Do you know why I stopped you today" I hate it when people play stupid. If you upfront with me and seem apologetic and don't have a bad driving record, chances are, you will get a warning. Believe it or not, were not here to give you a hard time.

longarm, if you ask me why you stopped me, and I say, "I don't know," it's probably because I don't know. Even if I do know, the law says I also have a right not to answer the question, since you are asking me to incriminate myself. So how about just telling me what you think I did wrong, and if we disagree, we can just plan to disagree in court?

Here in Georgia, there is no obligation to notify an officer of a legally concealed weapon.
Rich, sorry if I was vague. By asking you if you know what you did wrong, I'm refering to the people that obviously ran a red or stop sign, or were excessively speeding, ect....... Your right, you do have the right against self incrimination. However, If I stop you for this infraction, most likely, It's on camera and will be held by judge or magisatrate. It's just a pet peeve of mine when people obviously play dumb. I usually let the honest ones go with a warning. Lots of officers have different styles.
longarm, in your experience, is it standard training to ask the question "Do you know why I stopped you?" I'm curious if this is policy for most departments, or just something that officers have cultivated as normal in the course of law enforcement?

As for the video evidence, as a law abiding citizen, I welcome it. It helps both the government and the public, because the truth is always important in such matters. For example, if I was ticketed for a red light infraction, and I happened to be towing a trailer that day, I would have no problem showing up in court and demonstrating that yellow lights at many intersections don't allow a enough time for safe stopping of towed loads operated at prudent speeds.

The town next door to ours has a reputation for excessive radar traps for the purpose of revenue generation. I know several people who have been ticketed for less than 5mph infractions. A friend was ticketed for excessive speed. She claims she was under the speed limit. I don't doubt it; she's painfully honest and a conservative driver. For such cases, the more evidence available, the better.

Now in my 24th year of driving without a moving violation or an accident to my credit...
Rich, there is no policy in our dept. or most dept's that I am aware of on exact wording of traffic stops. I actually have my own way of asking that I adopted from Verbal Judo that pretty much works every time. What I posted is the "standard" way of conducting a traffic stop. Giving out a ticket for under 5 is just BS. I know some who do it and I don't agree with it. If somone has a clean record and are polite, I generally will warn and release. Video evidence is a double edged sword. I'll leave it at that. I hope what I posted earlier will be benificial to some in here. That was my only intention.
i got pulled over a few months ago buy two officers at 3am , i stepped out and asked what was the problem they were making sure i was not up to no good.i was just talking to them for a few minutes when the female officer asked if anyone else was in my car because she could not see through my tint (note drivers door wide open) all i said was just a tricked out AR15 she looked in and said OK and i went on my way.

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Nice rifle bpoche!

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In Order:

-Ted Williams 20GA Shotgun

-Hungarian M44 in 7.62x54r

-Turkish M38 Mauser in 8mm

-Yugoslavian M59/66 in 7.62x39

-Swiss K31 in 7.5x55 Swiss

And Comming Soon:

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