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Jacob Dryer

Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2005
Reaction score
Oxnard, CA
It's happening this week.. packers come Tue, and we start our drive Fri. So I might not be around as much as normal the next couple of weeks.

Moving from Oak Harbor, WA to Port Hueneme, CA in case anyone missed it. Wife is getting transfered (Navy).
Do you have any stops planned along the way? Be safe, especially in So Cal, makes one feel like doing this :fire::driving: sometimes. Born and raised down there! And don't miss it

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The only planned stop is Tex Wasabi's in Sacramento for dinner hopefully. Our timing is totally up in the air with when the truck gets finished being loaded, and how nicely the kids want to ride in the van.

Wife is driving the mini-van with the kids, I get to tow the boat with the cat in the cab. It's a trade-off, the cat every time we have moved has used me as a litterbox (even though we put the litterbox in the cab), but at the same time I don't have to listen to crying kids..

the cat every time we have moved has used me as a litterbox (even though we put the litterbox in the cab), but at the same time I don't have to listen to crying kids..


You won that deal hands down. Next contract, I want you negotiating on my side. :supercool:

Well we made it down to Oxnard yesterday. We're staying in the Navy Lodge (Navy Hotel) until we find a place to rent. We looked at 3 places today and we really like one of them so we are turning in an app and will hopefully know in the next day or so if it will be ours.

On our trip down we stopped in Sacramento and met TRACet Paul (two t's?) for some lunch at Tex Wasabi's.

Trip was otherwise pretty uneventful which is a good thing. I logged my miles and gas purchases but haven't done the calculations, which I will more than likely put in a ST post just for better results for future members searching for ST gas mileage.