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Chris Kulbaba

Well-Known Member
May 29, 2004
Reaction score
Calgary, AB
Hey all, Im not sure when the Zune goes on Sale here, but I really want one bad, would anyone be willing to ship me one overnight? I will pay ANY and ALL charges involved by any method needed by the person that helps...

You might want to check out the reviews before you get one. So far people have been saying it was rushed to market and you'd be much better off waiting.

Here's CNN's intro to it.
Come on people, its microsoft, they will fix any issues ;)

Im sure anything that will require fixing will be a software update... The Zune will not be scrapped and replaced with a new one to fix software issues if there are any...

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Stu, didn't forget about you. After I left the Doctors I got called out on an unexpected flight.

In Houston for the day. Will let you know what I find when I get back to Ohio.
Stu, didn't forget about you. After I left the Doctors I got called out on an unexpected flight.

In Houston for the day. Will let you know what I find when I get back to Ohio.
Be sure to post a review once you get it. As a gadget hound, I've been curios about buying one as the WiFi idea sounds really cool, but the negative reviews have been keeping me away. It'd be good to hear some other opinions.
Statik, my understanding of the WiFi is that it can only be used to send a songs to other Zune players, and once sent the receiver can play each song 3 times or for up to 3 days, whichever comes first.

I played with one at Best Buy...the interface is the best I have seen on all such gadgets.

Below is a link to a video that walks through the UI:

Thanks TJR, I've seen that video and agree the interface is very nice. I really have to ask what microsoft was thinking with some of their other decisions though. This is their 3rd real attempt at taking down the iPod so I was really expecting it to be much better than what the reviewers are saying.

From what I've read:



<li> WiFi (Very cool!)

<li> Nice screen. It uses the same resolution as iPod but has a larger screen.

<li> landscape orientation. Makes watching movies better

<li> Lots of cover art support. Makes the interface look very cool

<li> Big name. Microsoft, how much bigger can you get?

<li> Supports a wide range of videos

<li> Good interface. Some say even better than iPod.

<li> FM radio.

<li> It isn't an iPod. (OK, that's stretching it as a pro)




<li> Poor battery life. Reviewers say it doesn't meet the specs microsoft listed, and those were low.

<li> 3 x 3 rule. You can only play a beamed song 3 times and keep it for 3 days in a best case scenario. A lot of songs won't let you transfer them at all.

<li> Larger & heavier than almost any other mp3 player out there

<li> Microsoft store doesn't support tv shows, movies, games, podcasts, or audiobooks.

<li> Can't be used as an external hard drive

<li> No volume limiitter

<li> No PDA functionality. I sync my iPod to outlook for my address book / calendar / alarms and would miss that feature.

<li> Proprietary software. You can't do drag & drop to load it with songs.

<li> PlaysForSure no longer supported. It won't play any songs you bought from iTunes, Napster, Walmart, Real or any other stores.

<li> Only comes in one size

<li> No click wheel. The thing that looks like a scroll wheel on the front is really just a joypad.

<li> No Mac support. That's to be expected, but it would of been nice to use it on both of my computers.


I'm sure Microsoft will fix some of the limitations and I still think the WiFi is really cool, but one cool feature doesn't outweigh all the negatives. It definitely fell right off my Christmas list. :(

*edit to fix html*
Last edited by a moderator: has them for $249.99, free shipping, and you can get an additional 10% off ($25) if you follow this link to shop (until 11/30):

P.S. I am not affiliated with or the click-thru link:...

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