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How does the live data i posted on Wednesday look? To be honest, im not too keen these modern gas engines. Old school with a carb and a dizzy or mechanical diesel are more of my comfort zone mechanically.
I agree with old style. HEI distributor setup + a good carb or basic fuel injection works just fine, even for emissions.
How does the live data i posted on Wednesday look? To be honest, im not too keen these modern gas engines. Old school with a carb and a dizzy or mechanical diesel are more of my comfort zone mechanically.
STFT's are pretty good.
The 3.1+/- is a bit high.
Mine hovers around +/- 0.05
Both LTFT's are too high.
They're still adding fuel, that is, if they're new sensor readings after clearing the KAM (keep alive memory).
If not, then they'll come down as the STFT's stay low.
You may have to check your injectors to see how well they're spraying and how much.
If you never cleaned them, then it's way past due.
It's about 20 bux per injector around here, vs. buying new ones at 3x to 5x the price.
What's your fuel pressure now @ KOEO & KOER @ idle & 2000rpm?
Does it stay up for 3 minutes or does it drop more than 5psi?
As i said i never got the fuel pressure gauge to work. Even after replacing the filter. But i did have fuel spray out of connection when i unhooked the pressure test rig. Gauge i dont believe is faulty as i tested it at 40psi with ship air and it read accordingly. Hose to gauge isnt blocked either. Neither is the ford adapter that goes between fuel rail and test rig. I dunno. I think im gonna try and drive it to town when i get through doing laundry. I guess if it acts up it will be time to go to the shop. Frankly im tired of dealing with it and am about ready to cut my loss and sell it and buy an older ford ranger. Sometging that doesnt take more brains than i have to figure out.
And no offens, but if im gonna go to the trouble to pull fuel rails to remove injectors, ill replace them. I have no idea of any place that cleans them around here, and even if i did, i put in to many hours in tye kenworth throughout the week to have time to mess with it. Thats the reason everything is so far behind around the homestead because its near impossible to have a life outside of the dang truck.
You're doing good MC. A little bit o luck and all the work you did seems to have paid off. Put some fuel injector cleaner in a quarter tank and maybe check the filter again if it stutters. Sounds like sludge in the tank. Keep on Tracing!
Made it to town and back with no problems( about an 18 mile round trip) added about a half a tank of gas and put in another bottle of lucas injector cleaner. Time will tell. But i do think it may very well have been the fuel filter. Because after pressure testing the last time with it running, i pulled the fuel pump fuse and it started running exactly like how it was before till it died(did this to releave system pressure so i didnt have fuel spray out and drip on hot manifolds.) To he honest, i cant remember if i cleaned the tank when i had it out to replace pump, but if it plugs up another filter soon, ill drop the tank and clean it out and replace sock and filter and hope for the best. Still doeant idle perfectly smooth, but that maybe more from partially plugged #3 or #6 injectors.
As i said i never got the fuel pressure gauge to work. Even after replacing the filter. But i did have fuel spray out of connection when i unhooked the pressure test rig. Gauge i dont believe is faulty as i tested it at 40psi with ship air and it read accordingly. Hose to gauge isnt blocked either. Neither is the ford adapter that goes between fuel rail and test rig. I dunno. I think im gonna try and drive it to town when i get through doing laundry. I guess if it acts up it will be time to go to the shop. Frankly im tired of dealing with it and am about ready to cut my loss and sell it and buy an older ford ranger. Sometging that doesnt take more brains than i have to figure out.
Sorry to hear you're having so much trouble.
That's what I HATE about modern cars (and appliances).
The computers are the way 'they' take control away from us and force us into dependence on 'them'.
Made it to town and back with no problems( about an 18 mile round trip) added about a half a tank of gas and put in another bottle of lucas injector cleaner. Time will tell. But i do think it may very well have been the fuel filter. Because after pressure testing the last time with it running, i pulled the fuel pump fuse and it started running exactly like how it was before till it died(did this to releave system pressure so i didnt have fuel spray out and drip on hot manifolds.) To he honest, i cant remember if i cleaned the tank when i had it out to replace pump, but if it plugs up another filter soon, ill drop the tank and clean it out and replace sock and filter and hope for the best. Still doeant idle perfectly smooth, but that maybe more from partially plugged #3 or #6 injectors.
Glad you got some traction on this issue!
Did you have bad gas in your tank?
Was there rust?
When I changed the fuel pump on mine, and looked inside, it was spotless clean.
So if there's junk in the tank, then that'll be a constant source of 'trouble', as I'm sure you already know.
Drove in to work. Misfiring and low on power(i live in a very hilly area. Ran a quick scan same codes as before. P0306, P0303, P0300, P0171, and P0174.....thinking maybe plugged injectors. When struggling to pull the hills, i would floor it and eventually it picked up and had normal power....then same thing on the next hill
As i said i dont remember if I cleaned out the tank when I replaced the pump. But with the misfire being on the same 2 cylinders it leads me to believe it may be plugged injectors. And with the way this fiel system is on these engines, it makes sense as 3 and 6 are the last injectors at the back end of the fuel rails and fuel doesnt go on past them...returnless fuel system
Drove in to work. Misfiring and low on power(i live in a very hilly area. Ran a quick scan same codes as before. P0306, P0303, P0300, P0171, and P0174.....thinking maybe plugged injectors. When struggling to pull the hills, i would floor it and eventually it picked up and had normal power....then same thing on the next hill
Thanks for the update.

One thing I forgot to say is, the fuel system cleaner I always use is BG44K.
Sometimes I use JECTRON.
But nothing else, b/c nothing else is as good as those.
Maybe try using BG to clean out your system.
But remember that these cleaners will clog your injector screens, and NOT clean your injectors.

If you replace all your injectors, then your best bet is to remember to flush the main fuel line.
Just connect a hose to it and put it in a large container and run the fuel pump for a few seconds.
Then take a look at the container to see if any garbage is in it.
If not, then I would also inspect the fuel rail, b/c it may be rusty inside if the previous owner used ETHANOL and let it sit.
The water separation will wreak havoc on those steel lines.

One thing I really like about this truck is how well it runs.
It's better than any other vehicle I've worked on, including Hondas.
So if #4 & #6 are misfiring, then I would do a 'cylinder balance' test 2 ways to verify whether it's fuel or spark:
1. turn off each cylinder's spark using the 'pull the wire' test (being sure to ground the distributor tower where the wire's off)
2. turn off each cylinder's fuel using your scanner.
Do each test one cylinder at a time.
If you 'suspect' it's fuel, then do that test first.
It won't take more than 10 minutes.
Before i bought this truck, i thought the 4.0 sohc would be just like the 4.6/5.4 triton, just v6 version, kinda like the old 4.3l vortec v6 was to the 5.7l vortec v8....nope.... its 3 &6. The 2 very back cylinders. Fuel railndead ends just past them. Ran better this afternoon. Just gonna be tempermental till all the crap.gets cleaned out.
Misfire seems to have cleared up. Been running fine since tuesday morning. And i cant do the injector cut out test, its a $300 innova scan tool, not a $30k snap on
Misfire seems to have cleared up. Been running fine since tuesday morning. And i cant do the injector cut out test, its a $300 innova scan tool, not a $30k snap on
Looks like you may have nailed it w/the new fuel filter!

I hear ya. But you may be able to get an older Ford/Hickok NGS scanner like I have.
That eBay link has only one card, and the plug-in module that only goes up to 2004.
Each module has 2 cards: Diagnostics and Service.
There is another module that plugs into the bottom to do CAN (2005-2009).
Also, there are other cards that do those years.
I got it almost new from a local guy that didn't need it any longer.
Perfect tool along with the EEC IV break-out box that does everything but the PCM.
Unfortunately I can't find an EEC V breakout box for the PCM or I would have one.
I really only used the EEC IV a few times, but it sure did save a lotta trouble!

Anyway, if the fuel filter was as bad as you say, you may consider changing it again at the next oil change, esp. if you didn't inspect and clean the gas tank when you had it opened. I always tell people who's cars I fix: 'when it comes to wrenching, cleanliness is next to godliness'.
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Here's a tricky one...back duringnthe winter, my 01 st would not engage 4x4 at all. Module would click onnand off, but 4x4 light never came on. (It did light up when you start vehicle.) Now that it has watmed up, 4x4 works, but it feels like something is binding up. The other day, i switched into 4x4 hi on my gravel road while at a slow roll...and it slowed to a stop like i hit the brakes. Kinda feels almost like braking with worn out pads kinda metallic frinding feeling..about 2 years ago, i replaced 4x4 switch, 4x4 control module, and 4x4 shift motor.
Here's a tricky one...back duringnthe winter, my 01 st would not engage 4x4 at all. Module would click onnand off, but 4x4 light never came on. (It did light up when you start vehicle.) Now that it has watmed up, 4x4 works, but it feels like something is binding up. The other day, i switched into 4x4 hi on my gravel road while at a slow roll...and it slowed to a stop like i hit the brakes. Kinda feels almost like braking with worn out pads kinda metallic frinding feeling..about 2 years ago, i replaced 4x4 switch, 4x4 control module, and 4x4 shift motor.
Any codes?

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