Much of the Bible would change if:
a. the Big Bang theory is correct and our galaxy formed over 100s of billions of years, and our planet over 5 billion years. That shoots a hole in the whole 6 day creation, and the "literal" interpretation of a 24 hour day.
b. dinosaur fossil records and carbon dating are considered accurate. If so, then there would be no credible evidence that, and only evidence against the fact that man and dinosaurs lived together.
c. man evolved from a more primative form. If so, that shots the whole "in Gods image" and story of Adam all to hell.
Sure, the Bible is filled with truths, but science again and again marches forward and find things that those that have followed the Bible for centuries then either have to dismiss as fact from that book, or reshape.
I'm not saying that's bad. Heck, there is a pretty good book on the subject called "The Science of God."
Take a look at the anti-evolution, new Earthers and what they believe, and their STRICT interpretation of Genesis, and you will get what I am talking about.
For them, for their Bible, if these things come to pass as TRUE, it changes their Bible radically.
And, that is why, I once again repeat, there are very few absolutes. Yes, we can say that for ourselves and the way we follow the Bible this news changes nothing. That's not true for everyone, though. Partly because of the absolute nature in which THEY view things.
For example, I had a Christian friend that said the he believes the earth is only around 6,000 years old because the Bible says so, even though there is monumental evidence against that claim. He said: "I have to believe it, because if the Bible is wrong about that, then what else is it wrong about?" He said: "The Bible tells me what is so, and what I should believe in. I don't get to pick and choose. That power is for God."
Literal, strict, absolute interpretations of a book written by a church wishing to control people and get their money to me seems like a bad idea. The book is good. Heck, its probably the best book ever written, as it claims to be, but every word and gem...a pearl. Sorry, not living my life that way. Not every word is an instruction.
I just hope that one day, after the apocolypse, some newly evolved, intelligent species doesn't find an "IRS 1040 Instructions" manual in some archeological dig and prop it up as its Bible.