Neighbors II

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zaffo oxnard

Active Member
Apr 12, 2001
Reaction score
Oxnard, CA
We just sold our house. The new owners in 2 months have:

1. Been arrested by the DEA - they tried to grow dope in the garage. The all-night grow lights did them in. The house was not built that well and must have leaked light like a disco ball. Hello mr. police man, I'm growing weed.

2. Parked a trashed 1965 glastron tri hull on a rusty trailer with a blown tire on my formerly nice clean driveway. Rusty streaks are already there.

3. Had their friends over for a BBQ and all my old neighbors cold hear were the continuous

F-bombs dropped by the guests.

4. They plopped a giant plaster icon of a certain central american native/catholic figure in the middle of the lawn. The virgin is listing to port as she sinks into the nice new sod.

I feel like such an ass.

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Why should you feel like an ass? You sold your house to a qualified buyer. You supposed to live there forever?
The all-night grow lights did them in. The house was not built that well and must have leaked light like a disco ball. Hello mr. police man, I'm growing weed.

it isnt the light eing seen it is the amount of electric they use. power companies monitor sudden spikes in usage they then can watch with more detail certain homes....all the while alerting
Police and DEA helicopters, also do night time fly overs, with infra red looking for extreme hot spots, from grow lamps..
Thanks for the I know how to fool the DEA, Police and power companies....use my neighbors power, use heat masking materials over top the whole deal and make sure I don't have light-leak.
Or, live in California and have a medical marijuana permit which allows you to grow your own... :cool:

Hey Tony, I'm glad you didn't live next to me.... :lol:
I just sold the house I lived in for 16 years. I could care less what they do to it or the neighborhood. None of my concern any more. I have no intentions of ever driving by to see how it looks of what they've done. It's a building and it belongs to them now.
As they were only in the house 2 months I doubt there was a spike in usage. 6 people moved in & with a service change, I would think they would need a while to establish a baseline. The folks across the street said you could see the light on all night. I have to ask my friend on the PD to be sure.

By the way, you can't mask heat from above. The best you can hope for is to spread it around faster or more evenly. IR imaging is great. You install a fan, they see the heat plume. Sure the house is cooler, but there is a bright red rooster tail on thier scope. If you put a 3' thick slab of concrete on top over a underground bunker (this happened in the desert outside of LA years ago) and use a generator for power, all you get is a huge warm slab come winter time, and it stands out.

Just buy it. Cops don't sell dope in sting operations. Or you can do what the Hollywood set does and travel to Eureka CA on the far northern coast just south of Oregon. The area is famous for its Humbolt dope industry. There are dealers all over the place and you can buy a few stalks of sticky niceness like you buy a coffee in LA. Walk down the street and you think... "hey, wasn't that Whoopie, Charlie, Sean, etc..." and it was.
But Tony,

The prices the 'shops' charge is way high! I hate paying top dollar to them.

And yes, I have friends living in Humboldt county also. Some of them are responsible for what knowledge I have of 'farming', since they really know their stuff!
My Grandmother's place in Ft. Lauderdale went down the same road. A few years after she and my grandfather left, all of the hurricane shutters were bolted closed, there were broken down cars all over the lawn and the place was populated by an ever-changing list of crackheads and hookers. When I saw a photo, I didn't even recognize the place, and I had been there thousands of times during my childhood.

On the flipside, I've seen formerly bad areas "reclaimed" and turned beautiful again. Real estate just goes that way sometimes.