neighbors stink

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Richard Kolb

Well-Known Member
Oct 30, 2005
Reaction score
Nashua, NH
So my neighbors guests keep parking on my lawn, or driving across mine to park on the neighbors lawn. So today I called the police, after talking to the neighbors tons of times, and found out that once I've warned the neighbors once about it, anyone that lives there or is visiting and drives or parks on my property is committing criminal trespass. So, rather then just call the police and have this kid charged I left a note on his car explaining what I would do next time. I saw this kid get in the car, start it, read the note, turn the car off, and then go back inside. That was an hour ago. I wonder what he'll do. I hate being the jerk neighbor but I just paid thousands to have my lawn landscaped, trees planted, and sprinklers put in. I want the things I just had done to stay nice, I don't want my lawn, trees,and sprinklers damaged by cars. I especially don't want the tree damaged, that's the worse to replace, and they have to drive so close to it they hit the branches. And on a weeping cherry that's a huge deal. Anyway, just venting.

I should have spent my money on a fence.
I know people who put big rocks across the front yard near the road and it stops that sort of thing. I know it doesn't look that good but it works.
Or spike strips...LOL

We used to have a neighbor block our driveway when they had friends over which was once a week or more. I was polite for the first six or seven times then I was a complete ass. He got the point after that. It's a shame I had to take it to that level but it worked.
Yeah, well if you see my profile you'll see a picture of my house and the neighbors. They strip in between our driveways is the problem. They problem is that since it's angled they can't seem to understand that even though at the garages it's half and half at the road it's all mine. They kids all park in the driveway, their friends try to park on the grass. I planted a tree and put a mailbox up and that stopped it for a long time, now some one keeps parking behind the tree and using my driveway as a u-turn instead of backing out of their driveway. I'm hoping the note will do the truck, if not then the criminal trespass charge will.
Yeah, we have a big yard at my place, and all my friends park on it, and I don't care. Then my neighbors started parking on it. It wouldn't be a big deal, if they helped mow it. It takes about 4 hours to mow with a self propelled. One day I came home and there were 3 cars parked where we could normally fit 7-8, so I called my friends up and had them bring their cars over and park in front of and behind all the other cars. They left them there for the weekend. No one said anything to me, but no one has parked on my yard since then...
Had a simular problem--decided that the talking was over. I installed a fence. As it was going up the neighbor came out and said that they didn't want a fence. I repled "don't worry, you're not getting one, I am". No more problems.:lol:
Yeah, because of the angle a fence will look stupid and probably end up being hit by someone over there. Then again, maybe it'll teach them a lesson. I'm thinking of a snow fence this winter, that might make a point.
Good fences make good neighbors.

If not a fence, R1, then redeed the property and sell him that sliver. Of course, you probably don't want to do that for other various reasons. But maybe even the threat of doing it might make a difference. If they are using your property they should pay for it.
I had a parking problem with my neighbor and tried to talk to them about it and they wouldn't cooperate.

I parked in front of their driveway one day blocking cars from getting in and out. When they came over and complained I asked him how he liked it and he became extremely mad and aggressive. As he was nicely explaining what an ******* I was and that I don't want to have a problem with him, I calmly grabbed my bat that sits next to my front door and leaned on it while he was yelling. Needless to say he was done and i never had the problem again.

This is not the best way to deal with the situation, but when talking like adults doesn't work sometimes you have to give them a taste of their own medicine. But, when doing so you also have to be prepared for any repricussion.

Lol, Jason. I have an abundance of instruments leaning against the couch by the front door, namely a 7 iron and a 34" Omaha baseball bat. We hit golf balls into the woods and play baseball with the beer cans, so it's not like they're only sitting there as a threat...:D

the neighbor and their friends use to partially block my driveway or on my front lawn. I wound up with ruts in my lawn from them. Not a big deal, but I take pride in my possessions and when some little punk kid wants to give me lip and his dad doesn't care, we have issues.
Hell I had problems with neighbors at times hopping the curb and parking in front of my house and not their own. So I would go set up sprinklers and water my grass. OOps I would water their car. Don't you just love hardwater spots all over your car?:lol:
Lol, Stu.

Back home, our neighbor owns a construction business. On weekends his employees would park in front of our house (instead of their boss'). After talking with the neighbor several times, my dad lost it one weekend. He had 17 cars towed from in front of our house over the course of a weekend (also, it's a private neighborhood, HOA, etc, etc, and parking on the street is strictly prohibited to begin with). The next weekend, our mailbox was smashed, and after talking again with the neighbor, it was fixed the following weekend. Point is, when you do something, be prepared with a better lawyer or a bigger stick.

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