neighbors stink

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I just don't understand this whole "parking on lawns" thing. Seriously. My step dad has a big front lawn and long driveway and hosts BBQs quite often, and he tells people to feel free to park on his lawn. But then, he has no neighbors (bounded on three sides by state land, and the other by the road).

If "friends" that park at the neighbors don't know where the neighbors property is then I guess the neighbor either:

a) has to direct them as they park, or

b) if unwilling to do a) then tell them to park on the street

Seems quite obvious to me. That's what I would tell the neighbor. And anytime someone parked on my property I would: have them towed, and bill them for the towing and the lawn maint.

But as Jeff C said, be ready for repercussions.

Our last house we had a "shared driveway" that ended in a "shared garage"...two stall garage, wall down the middle, 1/2 theirs, 1/2 ours, property line RIGHT UP the center. Want to talk about challenging neighbors.

We now have MUCH more elbow room. But still or neighbor next door just started a lawn care business and had a dump truck parked (illegally as it was facing the wrong direction) right next to our property line, but on the street, for almost two months. It was broken down (adding to the illegal nature), and more than 2 feet from the curb. It made it difficult for people turning at the nearby corner to see, and for traffic to get through.

All the other busy-body neighbors on the street and in the development started asking me "when I was going to do something" (since I am the closest neighbor). I told them if it bothers them, why don't "YOU" talk to the guy. Finally, when several other neighbors threatened to call the cops and the town I decided I better do the neighborly thing.

After several times asking how I could help with the repairs to the vehicle, I finally went over and warned them about the "angry mob with pitchforks". And told him that it's just a matter of days before he sees a nice bright orange sticker on the windshield and that if and when he does it "wasn't me!". It took about 3 more weeks, but it's finally gone. Got towed...not sure by whom, but I think by the neighbors bro-in-law who has a wrecker.

I'm all for someone trying to start their own business, but we do live in an upscale development and work vehicles are against the covenants...though we really don't have an HOA.

Some people just really don't care about others. They just want to do their thing and think they should be able to.

How about this suddenly blocking your moorage...LOL

We used to live in Kirkland, WA which has a waterfront area, Lake Washington, about 10 years ago someone parked, a research vessel ship in the middle of the night at the docks! It was finally moved last summer. It took that long for them to find the owner and force the owner to move the darn thing.

Edit-the owner of the marina owned the ship and thought it would be a great water breakaway.

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Post a discreetly placed "No Trespassing" sign, and document it with pics for police report. Then if it happen agian, just call the police and the tow truck company at the same time. That way you'll have it documented with the PD, and also bill the neighbors for towing and damages to your property. Not exactly the way to win friends and influence people, but they have been duely warned.
I think Rodger (&Georgia) has is about right. I wouldn't even worry about the sign if you have already discussed it with the neighbor. Call the police for a possible trespass complaint/charge and call the tow truck to tow the vehicles. As the landowner you have the right to have the vehicles towed at the vehicle owners expense. The tow company will not release the vehicle without them paying for the tow. The only issue I see is if there is a dispute over who acutually owns that piece of property, if the neighbor claims that it is his property then you have a civil problem that the police will not get in the middle off.
I've already called the police, and I left a note on the last car to park on my property. It hasn't happened again, and if it does the police will show up and if necessary issue a ticket/arrest or whatever it is they do for trespass. There is no real dispute, thanks to the wonders of modern technology I have the town map of the property. You can see it in my library.

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