New mod to combat bird poop

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TJR, I see your point. But, I still maintain that because the cat was his girlfriends pet is, in my opinion, what made a big difference. If the cat was a stray, and he was truely going to eat it and humanely killed it, that is a different story. Because the guy diliberately killed his girlfriends cat, probably because he was P.O.'d at her to show his superiority and to control her makes all the difference in the world. Do you see my point? The guy is an A.H. and deserves what he got.
There are a lot of psychiatrists that state that abusers of animals eventually become abusers of people, so the girlfriend may have been next on the list.
A while back a guy was arrested for cruelty to animals because he fed his pet snake unwanted kittens. I don't remember if it happened in my area or elsewhere. I was shocked to hear about it. A rat, mouse, gunea pig, etc. may be a rodent, but it is still a living creature.

A snake is a living creature too and needs to eat. What is the difference between an unwanted cat that is a nuisance in certain areas because of irresponsible pet owners being used to feed another animal or feeding a rodent to that same snake?

I never heard the outcome of that situation. Hopefully the charges were dropped.

I have killed my share of cats, but it was never done out of hate. Killing an animal for the joy of it is a sickness.


THAT is my line! ( I must go, now and take my medication)!!!


I hope the guy fed the cat a mouse, for it's last meal!


I agree. Gal-Pal could have been next. Twisting the heads off of innocent animals

is what Ozzy Osbourne gets paid to do! Not normal for your average Joe!:)
I'm medicated now...much better. The yellow pills are the best.

Oh, and yeah, I think the guy should have gotten some professional help and propbation...not two years in jail. He will likely come out more screwed up than he went in.

Well, if he doesn't come out more screwed up than when he went in, he'll definately

come out more screwed!!!!:D:D;):p:blink:

Sorry, Prison Joke!;)
The story goes, those were commercials made for Ford Of England. Ford claimed they were never actually broadcast but samples made by an ad agency that somehow got out. I think they're hysterical, and I own a cat. They'd never fly in the politically-correct U.S. that has largely lost it's sense of humor.

Not widely different from the cell phone commerical when the guy says his phone has an anti-theft system and throws it off his buddy's head.
Awesome vids, thanks for sharing. Thanks to conservatives, we'll never get those kinds of ads here in the states.
Thanks to conservatives, we'll never get those kinds of ads here in the states.

I'd say it's because of the animal rights whackos and overly sensitive liberals who insist everything be politically correct.
I'd say it's because of the animal rights whackos and overly sensitive liberals who insist everything be politically correct.

Bingo! Some would say that I am quite conservative but I got a hell of a laugh out of the bid one. I havn't seen the other one ... yet ....

Conservatives are often times the one's out hunting and such so why on earth would a conservative have a problem with this ad? Just asking.
I think Flip is confusing Conservative with the Religious Right. RR's are conservative but not all Conservative's are RR's. Libs would keep the pidgeon and cat commercials off TV, RR's would keep commercials with nekkid ****s and profanity off TV. I'm conservative but I like nekkid ****s and laugh at profanity.

England is a pretty Lefty country but every day on page three of The London Sun newspaper there are nekkid ****s.

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