New phishing scam-TabNabbers

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In Memoriam 1950-2022
Sep 26, 2004
Reaction score
Pasadena, TX
This is from Scam Busters...

<>~<>~<><>~<>~<><>~<>~<><>~<>~<><>~<>~<><>~<>~<><>~<>Special Issue: Tab-Nabbing -- The Latest Internet PhishingScam<>~<>~<><>~<>~<><>~<>~<><>~<>~<><>~<>~<><>~<>~<><>~<> Just when you thought you'd seen it all, a new andparticularly nasty form of Internet phishing, calledtab-nabbing, poses a new identity theft threat to web users. Phishing, just to remind you, happens when a scammer deceivesyou into giving away information about yourself, mostlyaccount details such as username and password. Usually via an email or a link on another web page, theydirect you to a bogus site that looks exactly like the genuinearticle -- like PayPal or Amazon for example -- and capturesyour login details when you try to sign in. The crook can then use those details to sign on and removemoney or make purchases on your account. You can read more about Internet phishing in some of ourearlier issues. All of these previous online phishing scams rely on the userbeing fooled into clicking a link, whereas the tab-nabberplays a different and much less obvious trick. If you're a regular Internet user, you'll know how tabs work.In your browser -- for example, Internet Explorer, Firefox,Safari or Google Chrome -- they allow you to have severalpages open at once, and to hop from one to the other. Sometimes, when you click on a link in one page, it opens thenew page in a separate tab, and it's not unusual to have halfa dozen or more tabs open at once. You even forget which ones you had open, which helps thetab-nabber immensely. The way this particularly evil form of Internet phishing worksgoes like this: * You already have a couple of tabs open when you land on apage controlled by the tab-nabber (though you won't knowthis). * While you're viewing this page, the tab-nabber accesses yourbrowsing history to see which sites you regularly visit thathave value to him -- again like Amazon, PayPal or an emailaccount like Gmail. * He (or she) then changes one of your tabbed pages to mimicone of these sites, complete with what looks like the genuinelogo on the tab itself, hoping, when you return to this tab,you will think you must have visited that page earlier andjust forgotten. * Even better, from the tab-nabber's point of view, you mayreally have just visited the genuine site (your bank, forexample), left it open in the tab, and then returned to it todiscover you seem to have been logged out. * Either way, the aim is to get you to think you're logging inagain and, hey presto, the scammer has pulled off his cunningInternet phishing trick. Two key aspects make this much more effective than previousonline phishing scams: First, you don't have to click a link to get to the boguspage; you just click on what looks like a genuine page tab. Second, it uses sites you habitually visit whereas phishingemails often seem to come from organizations you've had nodealings with, so you would immediately suspect something waswrong. In addition, if you do your banking online, the bank oftenwill actually sign you out if there's no activity on theirpage, even if you still have it open in a tab. It's notunusual to be asked to sign on again. However, two other things give the tab-nabbing trick away:First, although the page may look genuine, the Internetaddress or URL (the name of the site given in the address barat the top of your browser) won't. So, the real Amazon home page for instance will show"" but a bogus page will have something quitedifferent, even if it has the word "amazon" in it. Second, the little padlock icon that appears in your browser(usually bottom right), when you visit a secure website, willbe missing. Still, it's a wicked deception, highlighted recently by aspecialist who works for Mozilla, the organization that makesthe Firefox browser. You can see his video demonstration oftab-nabbing (sometimes also called "tabnabbing" or"tabnapping") here if you have Adobe Flash installed. What can you do to ensure you don't fall victim to this newtype of Internet phishing? To be doubly-secure, here's whatyou should do. 1. Get into the habit of glancing at the address bar for everypage you visit or revisit. This makes good secure-surfingsense anyway. 2. Look for that padlock on what should be a secure site page. 3. After visiting a secure page, close it when you're done,rather than keeping it open in a tab. 4. If a site invites you to sign on again, close the tab andre-key the correct address. Any one of these four steps should help steer you clear of atab-nabbing scam -- and if you have security softwareintegrated with your browser, that should flag bogus sitestoo. With Internet phishing, you just can't be too cautious.
Here's that same post again; but with a drastic improvement in readability....


Special Issue: Tab-Nabbing -- The Latest Internet Phishing Scam


Just when you thought you'd seen it all, a new and particularly nasty form of Internet phishing, called tab-nabbing, poses a new identity theft threat to web users.

Phishing, just to remind you, happens when a scammer deceives you into giving away information about yourself, mostly account details such as username and password. Usually via an email or a link on another web page, they direct you to a bogus site that looks exactly like the genuine article -- like PayPal or Amazon, for example -- and captures your login details when you try to sign in. The crook can then use those details to sign on and remove money or make purchases on your account. You can read more about Internet phishing in some of ourearlier issues.

All of these previous online phishing scams rely on the user being fooled into clicking a link, whereas the tab-nabber plays a different and much less obvious trick.

If you're a regular Internet user, you'll know how tabs work. In your browser -- for example, Internet Explorer, Firefox, Safari or Google Chrome -- they allow you to have several pages open at once, and to hop from one to the other. Sometimes, when you click on a link in one page, it opens the new page in a separate tab, and it's not unusual to have half a dozen or more tabs open at once. You even forget which ones you had open, which helps the tab-nabber immensely.

The way this particularly evil form of Internet phishing works goes like this:

* You already have a couple of tabs open when you land on a page controlled by the tab-nabber (though you won't knowthis).

* While you're viewing this page, the tab-nabber accesses your browsing history to see which sites you regularly visit that have value to him -- again like Amazon, PayPal or an email account like Gmail.

* He (or she) then changes one of your tabbed pages to mimic one of these sites, complete with what looks like the genuine logo on the tab itself, hoping, when you return to this tab,you will think you must have visited that page earlier and just forgotten.

* Even better, from the tab-nabber's point of view, you may really have just visited the genuine site (your bank, for example), left it open in the tab, and then returned to it to discover you seem to have been logged out.

* Either way, the aim is to get you to think you're logging in again and, hey presto, the scammer has pulled off his cunning Internet phishing trick.

Two key aspects make this much more effective than previous online phishing scams: First, you don't have to click a link to get to the bogus page; you just click on what looks like a genuine page tab. Second, it uses sites you habitually visit, whereas phishing emails often seem to come from organizations you've had no dealings with, so you would immediately suspect something was wrong.

In addition, if you do your banking online, the bank often will actually sign you out if there's no activity on their page, even if you still have it open in a tab. It's not unusual to be asked to sign on again. However, two other things give the tab-nabbing trick away: First, although the page may look genuine, the Internet address or URL (the name of the site given in the address bar at the top of your browser) won't. So, the real Amazon home page, for instance, will show "" but a bogus page will have something quite different, even if it has the word "amazon" in it. Second, the little padlock icon that appears in your browser (usually bottom right), when you visit a secure website, will be missing. Still, it's a wicked deception, highlighted recently by a specialist who works for Mozilla, the organization that makes the Firefox browser. You can see his video demonstration of tab-nabbing (sometimes also called "tabnabbing" or"tabnapping") here if you have Adobe Flash installed.

What can you do to ensure you don't fall victim to this new type of Internet phishing? To be doubly-secure, here's what you should do:

1. Get into the habit of glancing at the address bar for every page you visit or revisit. This makes good secure-surfing sense anyway.

2. Look for that padlock on what should be a secure site page.

3. After visiting a secure page, close it when you're done, rather than keeping it open in a tab.

4. If a site invites you to sign on again, close the tab and re-key the correct address.

Any one of these four steps should help steer you clear of a tab-nabbing scam -- and if you have security software integrated with your browser, that should flag bogus sites too. With Internet phishing, you just can't be too cautious.
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Richard, that is the way it came out from copy and paste. Wasnt that way in the article. Has to do with the myst website. I copied and pasted it in an email to a freind. It didnt look like this.

So go ahead and bust my A$$...I know you want to.....
Thanks Bill. How did you make it come out corectly? I tried it 2 times. Second time I gave up. I used the same copy paste session in a personal email. It came out like yours...
Eddie, it was the result of judicious use of the Enter key, the Backspace key, and the directional arrow keys... :eek:nline:

I was not blaming you for the way the article appeared. I assumed you just cut and pasted the article as it appeared. I did not know that it reformated it.

Bill V reposted the article as it appeared, but it is not a whole lot better.
