New Presidential Candidate

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Nelson Atwell

Well-Known Member
Oct 16, 2003
Reaction score
Bydgoszcz, Poland
Her strong suit is foreign policy. :lol:

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Could that be Dubya's long lost daughter?

I doubt it. She speaks in complete sentences.


Duba graduated from Harvard, Caymen. There are republicans all over the south, many Republican Governors, NelsonOK. Enough with the south jokes.
I think she's sweet. Reminds me of a lot of people from my hometown in Kentucky. She is cheerful and seems to have a heart of gold. So what if she doesn't know anything about Geography. :)
What does where she's from have anything to do with her stupidity? Can't you see? She's a BLONDE! :rolleyes:
Hey, G.W. Bush was voted in to the Presidency, must of done something right. Ya don't have to respect Bush, but respect the title he holds.

She sure as hell is dumb but her looks and good heartedness make up for lack of intelligence.
you know what you guys should REALLY be afraid of?

people like her can vote and there are many of them here in NJ

and many of whom are voting for Obama for change as they say.

when i ask them what he is going to change they don't have an answer.


where the Fla supreme court is concerned i read after the fact that

even with the recount bush still WON, matter of fact in every recount that

was performed by various newspapers and colleges the margin actually got

wider except one where they were super generous with the ballots and even

then gore only won by just under 400 votes..

I also find it humorous that with the democratic primaries in both Fl and Mich

being contested now we are hearing the term "disenfranchised voters"

once again.:lol:
Yes, the Democrats disenfranchised two ENTIRE states. Florida is the third largest population-wise. Don't think that these voters will forget so easily what happened to them. I would switch parties if something like that happened to me.

Many men and women have fought and died to give us the right to vote for the people that represent us, and Democrat National Committee took that right away from MILLIONS for no good reason.
Ohio has an issue with the Republican voters. They say 35% of the Republican voters changed parties to vote for Hillary this last primary.

Never mind that what they did is actaully a felony. You are only allowed to change your party if you plan to vote as such in the general election.

You are only allowed to change your party if you plan to vote as such in the general election.

What??? :huh::huh::huh:

You mean once I vote in the primary, I MUST vote for that person in the general election? Since when???!!! I have right to vote for WHOEVER I want to in the general election, party affiliation be darned! The constitution says NOTHING about party affiliation! I have the right to vote for whoever I want to! :eek:
"Ohio has an issue with the Republican voters. They say 35% of the Republican voters changed parties to vote for Hillary this last primary."

WTF? Must be the drugs they are finding in the water supply.

Time to get rid of the electoral system. Doesn't make any sense to keep using that ancient system.