New York STers, Need your help.

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Teddy GreeneII

Well-Known Member
May 15, 2005
Reaction score
San Diego, CA
Hey guys. I need a favor. When I was back there last week I went to a souvinier shop and picked up some trinkets. I got my little 4 year old girl a I "heart" NY piggy bank. Its kind of small, maybe 3-4 inches high and 4-5 inches long. White with the logo on the side. Well, today at work I get a call from my wife and the little monkey dropped it and was bawling in the background. She was wailin pretty good, saying "my dada boy got this for me and now I broke it" over and over. ( I love her nickname for me by the way). So, I grabbed the crazy glue after she went down tonight but I have to hand it to her, she broke it but good. If there's anyway someone could pick one up for me and send it out here, I would pay you for your trouble. I think they ran around 6-7 bucks, so that plus shipping, plus your time. I don't want to lay any trips on anyone but a little inocent girls happiness, well being and future are in your hands.:D Thanks guys! And no time frame, whenever it would be convienent for someone. Thank you.
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Teddy, I fly five days a week, 2 to 4 flights a day. I would be shocked if they don't have this in one of the three airports I hit.

If no one can help you in the next day or so, e-mail me your phone number. When I go that way I'll call to see if anyone has gotten it for you.

If not, I will get it and ship it to you...

Let me know...
Just looked at my schedule. I will be in LGA, (Laguardia) on the 16th for sure. May be there sooner, but at lest for sure the 16th.

So let me know if you need me to find it for you.
Check this out, is this the bank?

You guys are great. Thanks so much to all of you for your kindness. That's the link or the bank I should say, so I'll order it up. Very cool of all of you, thank you friends.

It is so amazing what is important to children.

It seems when you start to questions values, something like a $5.00 pig brings it back to reality.
JJ and Heather, just placed the order. Thanks to you and everyone.


Kevin, no kidding man. I sound like a moron but it really is beautiful.

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