Teddy GreeneII
Well-Known Member
Hey guys. I need a favor. When I was back there last week I went to a souvinier shop and picked up some trinkets. I got my little 4 year old girl a I "heart" NY piggy bank. Its kind of small, maybe 3-4 inches high and 4-5 inches long. White with the logo on the side. Well, today at work I get a call from my wife and the little monkey dropped it and was bawling in the background. She was wailin pretty good, saying "my dada boy got this for me and now I broke it" over and over. ( I love her nickname for me by the way). So, I grabbed the crazy glue after she went down tonight but I have to hand it to her, she broke it but good. If there's anyway someone could pick one up for me and send it out here, I would pay you for your trouble. I think they ran around 6-7 bucks, so that plus shipping, plus your time. I don't want to lay any trips on anyone but a little inocent girls happiness, well being and future are in your hands.
Thanks guys! And no time frame, whenever it would be convienent for someone. Thank you.
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