No election threads?

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Bill V

Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2001
Reaction score
Brooklyn Park, MN
I'm amazed at the lack (so far) of any threads on this board related to the elections yesterday! What's going on? I know that most of the members (or at least, most of the more vocal members) on this site are staunch conservatives, and they therefore may be busy licking their wounds--but after any other election, this board's been filled with comments--some celebrating their party's victory, other's bemoaning their party's defeat, and yet others simply discussing the results in a relatively non-partisan manner. (That is, until someone supporting one party or the other invariably hijacks the thread.) What's up?
I guess now that it is over it no longer matters.

The results are what they are, if you like them, great, if not, nothing you can do about it now.

I only hope you took the time to vote so that you can say you did what you could do...

If you didn't vote, then don't complain.
In Ohio, the Democrats took darn won everything. 16 years of Republican control and the economy is dead, jobs are gone, and the school systems are about bankrupt.

Enough is enough. Time to bring jobs back, jump start the economy, and get the schools back on the right track.

Unfortunatly, the smoking ban passed. As a non-smoker, I hate the idea that a businass owner is not allowed to decide if he/she would like to allow smoking in his/her business.

I don't like that Nancy Pelosi is speaker of the house. That's a powerful position for someone who does not respect the entire Bill of Rights.

I do like the idea of Congress potentialy being deadlocked along party lines. Might keep the flow of ridiculous legislation down somewhat.

Republicans brought this on themselves. They complain that we need less regulation, then they get into scandals, proving that they can't be trusted without...regulation. :rolleyes:

Unfortunatly, the smoking ban passed. As a non-smoker, I hate the idea that a businass owner is not allowed to decide if he/she would like to allow smoking in his/her business.

You'll get used to it Tom. I LOVE it, both as a non smoker AND as a business owner. Business actually INCREASED after the ban was passed! Non smokers used to go elsewhere because of the cigarette smoke. Now smokers go outside, the non smokers frequent the restaurant, and everyone's happy. (Well, if the smokers aren't happy, too bad...)

Sorry, didn't mean to hijack the thread...

But I didn't even have time to vote yesterday, so I can't complain about anything political for 4 years now...
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I do like the idea of Congress potentialy being deadlocked along party lines. Might keep the flow of ridiculous legislation down somewhat.

I totally agree Rich, no matter which party is in the white house, there should always be balance. Moderation in everything. Extremism is especially bad in politics (whether left or right) and religion. Better to maintain a two party system.

Just think, Nancy Pelosi is now three steps from the presidency,:eek: and some of you were worried about comparitively conservative Hillary (who won by 70% by the way). Scary!
I am upset at the Democrats.

We still have a war in Iraq, gas is still too high, unemployment is too high, taxes are too low, Ohio is in economic crisis.

What are they waiting for? Everything is now their fault since they are going to be in charge...
gas will be what it will be, the president or nobody else has control over that. war is sometimes a neccasary evil, war in iraq is needed, if u dont agree u have the right to be wrong. taxes are to low? are some people just naturally stupid? u like giving the money u work for away to someone else? give it to me call it the "maserlaser" tax. unemployemnt is at the lowest it has been in years. proven fact. look it up for yourself and turn off the damn liberal news. smoking in public plases i could care less. as long at it isnt by me. to put schools on the right track all that has to be done is take it away from government control and make it a business, those that are good and do their jobs will succed and others will fail, thats business. as for jobs and the economy well both the jobs i work at (1 is part time) need help desperatly that i am getting more overtime than i can handle. did i miss n e thing? if i did just let me know.

I agree with Rich that the Republicans screwed themselves and have no one but themselves to blame. They had it all-- and could have done some good instead of the crap that they pulled.

Of course, the Democrats will get in all the offices in two years and then they will have their turn to show their incompetence.

Back and forth, back and forth...
Yeah, yeah, the smoking ban. Good for OH! Surprisingly, business owners have to follow the laws of the land, and this one is no different.

Besides, it takes a special kind of stupid to smoke "this day and age" (the Boss' expression from another thread...just getting some extra mileage from it). But then which is stupid people smoke, or does smoking make one stupid (chicken and egg)?

Read on...

(waves hand at smoldering embers...)
justin u you missed the sarcasm. now the dems are in control everything going wrong is their problem to fix.

i guess i aint stupid after all.
4.4% unemployment is lower than at any time under Clinton.

Taxes are still too high.

Schools underfunded? I don't think so, they just need to re-prioritize. A local school district spends more than $1.1 MILLION on their sports program (football in particular). Think of how that could change the rest of the school....

I am a right winger, some would call extremist, others, probably not right enough. I voted for the Dem for US House (incombant who won with 69% of the vote). I voted for several other Dems (but mostly because the challenger was Green Party... no thanks).

The good news is that with the Senate probably going 51-49 with Cheney breaking any "tie" not much is going to happen out of there. In the house, 229-296 with 49 of the Dem's being Blue Dog Dems.... don't expect much from them either. Course, here's to hoping the Bush grows a pair and dusts off the veto pen for a lot of the crap that will attempt to come through.

Bust as Coastie said... it's all over for the common folk (except to watch as our taxes are increased, guns taken away, troops get redeployed because of lack of funding, UN takes control, endless investigations occur, true criminal matters are overlooked (see William Jefferson D-LA, Sandy Berger, et al), missle defence system goes bye-bye, N.Korea and Iran get stronger, Hamas and Islamic Jihad grown in strength, Al-Queda grows, Guantanamo shuts down, businesses start laying off people due to higher minimum wages, unions increase political power, gay-marriage is legalized, left-wing judges take the courts, etc). But what's there to worry about?
gay-marriage is legalized

And that hurts who?

businesses start laying off people due to higher minimum wages

Can you prove it?

unions increase political power

It balances out power between the corporations and their control of political power.

Guantanamo shuts down

Mind you it is located in a country that is deemed to be "bad"

N.Korea and Iran get stronger

Already are, whats your point?

Nevermind. You did say it right yourself...

I am a right winger, some would call extremist


gay-marriage is legalized

And that hurts who?

First off, let's just start redefining words... first is marriage, then legal, then appropriate, then common sense, next "is"... oh wait... Bill Clinton already redefined the the other 4...


businesses start laying off people due to higher minimum wages

Can you prove it?

Employment Results

Using government data from January 1979 to December 2004, the effect of minimum wage increases on retail and small business employment is estimated. Specifically, a 10 percent increase in the minimum wage is associated with a 0.9 to 1.1 percent decline in retail employment and a 0.8 to 1.2 percent reduction in small business employment.

These employment effects grow even larger for the low-skilled employees most affected by minimum wage increases. A 10 percent increase in the minimum wage is associated with a 2.7 to 4.3 percent decline in teen employment in the retail sector, a 5 percent decline in average retail hours worked by all teenagers, and a 2.8 percent decline in retail hours worked by teenagers who remain employed in retail jobs.

These results increase in magnitude when focusing on the effect on small businesses. A 10 percent increase in the minimum wage is associated with a 4.6 to 9.0 percent decline in teenage employment in small businesses and a 4.8 to 8.8 percent reduction in hours worked by teens in the retail sector.


unions increase political power

It balances out power between the corporations and their control of political power.

Maybe... if the unions would follow the model set by American Airlines.... maybe.


Guantanamo shuts down

Mind you it is located in a country that is deemed to be "bad"

Uh, and that has exactly what to do with things? It's on US property (US Naval base). It's more about the fact that the Libs want these terrorists and people who want to kill you and me to use the US Federal Court system.... why? Ezpecially since it's already overworked with corrupt politicans on both sides...

Nevermind. You did say it right yourself...


I am a right winger, some would call extremist

Obviously you missed the whole point. I voted Democrat on several issues. No go back and look at the other half of my statement. My "extremist" view is that I am PRO-AMERICAN (and all things associated with freedom, responcibility, and the laws that set this country ahead of the rest of the world), something that most of the people of this country seem to this is Extremist...
Two wrongs never make a right.

Legalizing gay marriage would be a 2nd wrong. The first wrong was allowing our govt to define and recognize marriage in the first place. Marriage should be defined by religions and by people, not by our govt. And the govt shouldn't create incentives for people to marry as that puts them in the marriage business. I see our govt recognition of, programs surrounding and definition of marriage as the only REAL, clear-cut violation of the "so-called" seperation of church and state.

Unions are the 2nd wrong that doesn't make a right. If Caymen believes that unions are needed to balance the power that the lobbyists/corps and our govt have then that's not the right solution, IMHO. Solve the root problem, don't just add more organizations and politics.

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Marriage should be defined by religions and by people, not by our govt. And the govt shouldn't create incentives for people to marry as that puts them in the marriage business. I see our govt recognition of, programs surrounding and definition of marriage as the only REAL, clear-cut violation of the "so-called" seperation of church and state

Marriage isn't a church institution. Yes, religion does offer marriages, but you can be married by a Justice of the peace, a sea captain or even an Elvis impersonator in Vegas. I'd hardly call any of those people religious leaders.

On the other hand, it definitely is a government thing as marital status effects your taxes, benefits and even inheritance or your child's welfare.

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