4.4% unemployment is lower than at any time under Clinton.
Taxes are still too high.
Schools underfunded? I don't think so, they just need to re-prioritize. A local school district spends more than $1.1 MILLION on their sports program (football in particular). Think of how that could change the rest of the school....
I am a right winger, some would call extremist, others, probably not right enough. I voted for the Dem for US House (incombant who won with 69% of the vote). I voted for several other Dems (but mostly because the challenger was Green Party... no thanks).
The good news is that with the Senate probably going 51-49 with Cheney breaking any "tie" not much is going to happen out of there. In the house, 229-296 with 49 of the Dem's being Blue Dog Dems.... don't expect much from them either. Course, here's to hoping the Bush grows a pair and dusts off the veto pen for a lot of the crap that will attempt to come through.
Bust as Coastie said... it's all over for the common folk (except to watch as our taxes are increased, guns taken away, troops get redeployed because of lack of funding, UN takes control, endless investigations occur, true criminal matters are overlooked (see William Jefferson D-LA, Sandy Berger, et al), missle defence system goes bye-bye, N.Korea and Iran get stronger, Hamas and Islamic Jihad grown in strength, Al-Queda grows, Guantanamo shuts down, businesses start laying off people due to higher minimum wages, unions increase political power, gay-marriage is legalized, left-wing judges take the courts, etc). But what's there to worry about?