O.T.: A Challenge to ALL Site members

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Sep 16, 2001
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Roseville/Sacramento, CA
The local county Sherifffs dept. has targeted 5,000 children to give toys to for Christmas who would otherwise not have a Christmas. We gave a toy today, and we are also donating a toy to our churches chosen program. We are challenging each registered member here to do the same; at least one toy so a child won't go without a Christmas. If every registered member here gave one toy, that would be over 12,000 toys. WOW, how :cool: is that!?
we have a program called stuff-a-bus a local radio station gets one of the schools extra buses and everyone brings toys last year we stuffed it full

I admire your thoughtfulness and assistance to those in need.

I donated $20.00 top our union to donate to local needy families who have no means to have a christmas. Things included in that donation will be a turkey dinner, toys for the kids, gifts for the adults, and extra money to use for anything needed. To top it off, I don't even do christmas.

I got one of those cards off the tree at the front of Wal-Mart and bought stuff for the kid on there. He asked for clothes, so I bought clothes and a few toys. I did feel good after I did it.
My wife and I bought for a child that was on the angel tree at church. There were a few more on there, I think she was going to get some stuff for them also.
I put a "doodle bear" in the USMC toys for tots box at work. We do it every year...speaking of charities, my son just did 4,190 kicks in 30 minutes at a Tae Kwon Do kick-a-thon for lueukemia/lymphoma and raised $400.00 !
My wife and I try to do this all year,This year it has been tuff. We will give something in the next few weeks. On another note, Usually every year at the unit we rebuild stolen and broken bicycles to give to those kids that cant afford one, for a local group. But this year I guess the thing was cancelled. No bikes for the kids.:( ._Ron
At work and Church, we have an "Angel Tree" which has first name, sex, ages, clothing size and gift ideas for needy kids. I help out with both events.

At work, it's the less fortunate employees who get an annonimous sponsorship (too proud to ask for help thing) and the coordinator keeps names secret. Then, puts the info slips on the Angel Tree with a deliver to their office date. They have a wrapping party and the gifts are delivered to the families homes.

At church, it's a similar concept but the kids are from a women's shelter we sponsor.
Our church does the same thing as Larry and my office runs several drives...

Todd Z
My neighbor is a single mom with a19yr and11 yr old

sons ,me and the wife took the 11yr to Universal studios a few months back

and just gave him a silver dog tag necklace he wanted for his bday and some psp games for xmas.
Sorry, not to make up excuses, but we have already given 4 different times through as many organizations to Toys for Tots this year.

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If you get the chance this Christmas, I highly recommend volunteering some of your time to Operation Christmas Child. I live in the Charlotte area, and the distribution center here is the largest one in the country. They will ship 1.8 million shoeboxes from Charlotte alone full of toys and other goodies to needy children all over the world this year. It's a real blessing to see thousands of shoe boxes stacked to the ceilings and know they will make the day a little bit brighter for children in places where they don't have too many chances to smile. This old world can be a terrible place, but no matter what your beliefs, every one of us can take a little time and very little money to try and make a child's life just a little bit happier, if just for a very short time. For these children, getting a shoebox with a toy or coloring book or some candy might just be the happiest day of their lives. My daughter is very blessed to not have to do without the things she wants, much less the things she needs. It is very rewarding to be able to do a little something for children who are much less fortunate. For those who celebrate Christmas in its true sense, it is a chance to take part in the Greatest Commandment. It shouldn't make us proud when we do a little something to help others, it should make us ashamed when we don't.
My wife and I aren't going to do gifts between us this year. We decided to send gift certificates to the two birth mothers of our two adopted daughters. They have kids of their own and they do need it.:) Besides if it wasn't for them we wouldn't have a family for the holidays.:wub: