Nelson and Adam, at the risk of beating that horse, this isn't an issue of AVOIDING "civic duty" (at a bare minimum in my case and I would suspect in others). The system is skewed as I demonstrated in my example above. If I can't be selected for a jury because either lawyer wants to make sure they have an advantage, I can't be expected to be excited or even interested in being part of the process as the process isn't that interested in my being a part of it. Yeah, it's rationalization, but like many things in this country, your expected not to question what your "supposed" to do. I don't suspect my simple argument will change anyones opinion on this matter, just want to be clear that some of us that WANT to be part of the process are excluded for not so good reasons, and I'm sure my example is the norm and not the exception.
End of dead horse beating, not looking to start a debate, just want to be clear on my point.