O.T.: High School Senior Prank

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Our student body president smashed a raw egg in the principal's hand when he shook it as he received his diploma. The Principal and school board flipped out.... they tried to press criminal mishcief charges, take away his Florida Bright Futures scholarship and have him kicked out of JROTC. He wound up only having to write a formal apology and pay for the cleaning of the guy's suit, but it took about 2 months to get it straightened out.
Dan Long, that sounds like they over-reacted. Then, again, the kid deserved a good a$$ kicking. Would have been better in the good old days when if that happened, the principal would have smaked the kid in the mouth right on the spot, and then the kids old man would do the same thing later, but even, worse. Problem solved, punishment given...no waiting, and for all to see. If that happened today, though the kid and parents would sue and the principal would lose his/her job.

Maybe the school should have simply sued the parents for raising an a$$hole?

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Outside of a prank, our school had a tradition where each senior year we had a senior ditch day before graduation.

Ours was held down on the beach at a place called Scotsman's cove just south of Corona Del Mar. A private beach area that closed down several years before. The whole class of '72 attended.

Of course we got lectured the next day by the school admin.
They definitely over-reacted.... he was a good kid. Like I said, he was in JROTC, got an academic scholarship and was our Student Body president. It was just a harmless little gag done in fun and it almost cost him his future (sort-of). They also withheld his diploma until it got straightened out if I remember correctly. This was in 1997 and you're right, corporal punishment was so much more effective! They were still spanking kids when I was elementary school, but there's no way they'd dare touch the kids in my daughter's school now.
well i know some guys that in 1965 bought a 500 lb cow (was a sick downer)

They with alot of rope and a commalong, got said cow down to the boiler room late at nite, school was closed for a week before graduation and we were running 100 Deg, Days.

At any rate they shot the cow and departed the scene.

could not enter that building for 2 mos.
Oh, my, what DIDN'T I do?

For my initiation to Senior Fellows, I had to bring a pig to school and let him loose. It was only a 20 pounder, but the fun was that I was having a problem opening the door, and guess who was inside being nice to me to open it? The dean! I just looked up at him and said "Sorry!" and let the pig loose. He just shook his head. Took 2 hours for them to finally catch it.

Our rival high school at a big liberty style bell. Well, borrowed my dad's pickup, kinda crashed through the gate to their football field, stole the bell, painted it red & blue (our colors - theirs was yellow & black) and dumped it in the St. Johns River (Jacksonville).

Booby trapped the fire alarm pull stations. I did wood & metal shop in school, so we fashioned up some hooks, put them on the finger pulls, attached fishing twine to the hooks, ran it down to 3" above the floor, screwed in eye hooks on both sides of the hall and tied them off. Bell rings and people hit the halls. Nice trip wires!

Several of us got together and brought in a VW Beetle to the gym and left it in the middle of the floor (not too heavy to pick up when there are enough of you).

Real nice fountain at the base of the Main Street bridge. 20 plus boxes of Mr. Bubbles makes a great mess of the fountain and the bridge!

In our deans office, he had a paddle that was on the wall behind his desk. If you had more than 3 sets of swats in a year, he would let you autograph it. I had the upper right hand corner with my name and '71, '72 & '73 along side it!

Wolfson High School class of '73! We are the mighty might wolfpack!
Ok we all had our pranks in HS........but how many of you remember your HS Alma Mater? :)

I've been away from my school for 36 years now, but still remember ours..... ;)

Anaheim, thy sons and daughters,

who take to life's great ways,

Shall join in loyal chorus

And recall these happy days.

We will always love and cherish,

with affection deep and true.

The colors of our high school,

The grand old Gold and Blue.

We recall the deeds of valor

On football fields and track.

Though fate may stand against us,

We shall rally strongly back.

Time may break our hearts and fortunes,

But not our love for you;

With a firm and true devotion

We will fight for old A.U.
I remember mine.

Son's of Vikings

Drink the health of our dear North High

Praise and keep her standards high

May she ever rule.

Those who fight to win her fame

are sure to meet with victory

students of our dear North High

Proud and loyal are we!

Been out of high school for about 18 years.


So you guys were the Vikings.........we were the Colonists....never got the chance to attend one of my reunions though :(
The night before the neighboring school's homecoming (against us), some members of our senior class went out on their football field with acetylene torches and other such equipment and burned "Thorp '88" (name of our town/school) in huge letters on their football field.

A few of them got caught. Part of their punishment was that they had to replant the burned sections of the field.

So they did it--in Kentucky bluegrass.

You could see the "Thorp '88" color difference on the field for about fifteen years after that--until they finally re-sodded the whole field just a couple years back...
DesertFox'07 LTD 4x2 V8,

Neither have I. The last reunion we had, I was in Europe for some "Emergency job that came in at the last minute". When I got there, the customer told us that the job was scheduled for 6 months.

Hopefully I wil make my 20 year reunion.

I bought a VHS video tape of our 20th reunion.......geez, some of those dudes I grew up with with got really 'old' :eek:

It was held at what used to be called The Angel Stadium in Anaheim, which I think now is called the Grover Statium.

I heard several years back, they sealed all the school lockers and the students have to wear a backpack and drag all their class books from class to class.....TG I no longer go to school....that would have been a real PITA.
Do I remember any of the songs from my high school? I didn't know them when I was there! All I remember about them was they were dull.
I don't recall any senior pranks. It was the 70's and most of us were smoking weed and too lazy or hungry to embark on major projects.
Alma Mater (Brookfield Central School, Brookfield, NY):

Just beneath the sheltering shadow,

of our Beaver Hill,

nestles our dear alma mater,

peaceful and so still.

Shout her praises,

let them echo,

over hill and field.

Hail, oh hail, dear alma mater,

hail to thy Brookfield.
Our school's mascot was the wolf and our rival was the ram. At the games they always played "Who's afraid of the big bad wolf" and we would play "Mary had a little lamb"!
I only graduated from high school 4 years ago, never knew out alma mater, still don't. No senior pranks at our school, lest we be arrested and not graduate. One of my friends put a smoke bomb on the principal's lawn a few weeks before school got out with a sign from the class, and faced federal arson and bomb making charges (yeah, he made it himself at home) which were later dropped. Everyone in charge at my high school was wound up way too tight with way too many sticks up their arses.
In '75 we did the standard thing. A group of us Seniors got our Asst Headmasters VW bug and put it between the 2 trees in his front yard. (6 inches or room on each end)