Along with a Fair Tax, I think there should be some limits to what our government spends, and a complete elimination of these pork-barrel projects that are good for only a small segment of our population.
We also need realistic election campaign funding to get big business and big money out of the hands of the candidates. This is just a breeding ground for corruption and payoffs. No person, business or lobby group should be allowed to donate more than $100 to any candidate during the campaign. An alternative method would be that donations are made to a central fund and distributed evenly amoungs all the registered candidates. Nobody can use their own money to campaign. Anyone who can run their campaign the most frugal, would show some good money managment skills.
Candidates may not announce their candiacy more than one year before the scheduled election, and there should be a deadline that candidates must apply to be on the ballot. Lets stop this crap about doing a study to see if they should run for President or not, etc.
Until we abolish the Democratic and Republican party or vote them both out of office, we will never get anything done in Washington. I know my ideas would never make it inside the beltway much less get voted on or approved. It can only be changed from the inside, and that will take much longer than any of us have on this earth.
We also need realistic election campaign funding to get big business and big money out of the hands of the candidates. This is just a breeding ground for corruption and payoffs. No person, business or lobby group should be allowed to donate more than $100 to any candidate during the campaign. An alternative method would be that donations are made to a central fund and distributed evenly amoungs all the registered candidates. Nobody can use their own money to campaign. Anyone who can run their campaign the most frugal, would show some good money managment skills.
Candidates may not announce their candiacy more than one year before the scheduled election, and there should be a deadline that candidates must apply to be on the ballot. Lets stop this crap about doing a study to see if they should run for President or not, etc.
Until we abolish the Democratic and Republican party or vote them both out of office, we will never get anything done in Washington. I know my ideas would never make it inside the beltway much less get voted on or approved. It can only be changed from the inside, and that will take much longer than any of us have on this earth.