Obama administration sabotaged the Oil Rig.

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Bud Williams

Well-Known Member
Mar 27, 2008
Reaction score
Ball Ground, GA
The Obama Administration sabotaged the oil rig in order to further the agenda of the environmental left wing of his party. The worst oil spill in history will doom the industry, put even stricter regulations in place. Regulations that will halt all off shore drilling. The ultimate goal is to cripple the energy sector, thus weakening our economy to the verge of collapse. You think 4-5 dollar gas prices increased goods and services? What will 8-9 dollars a gallon do for this country?

Now before you left wing koo-koos, and Obama kool aid drinkers get your panties in a wad.

Doesn't this sound like the "Bush administration secretly took down the World Trade Center"?

Just had to throw it out there.....:bwahaha:

Now Obama, get off your butt and fix this mess!!!
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Now before you left wing koo-koos, and Obama kool aid drinkers get your panties in a wad.

Doesn't this sound like the "Bush administration secretly took down the World Trade Center"?

Just had to throw it out there.....

Now Obama, get off your butt and fix this mess!!!

:bwahaha: nice. I am going to start making Bio-Diesel before Diesel hits all time high's again. already paying $120 to fill the truck.
Yep, before the end of the year legislation will be passed. All none comercial use pickups, must be traded in by the end of 2011. Comercial use will pay an extra $500 a year registration to the feds. Discounted to $300 for limiting use to 10k miles year.

The writing is on the wall. Enjoy while we can...:driving::rofl:
My Trac is not a truck, titled as "MP". It's a 4-door without a trunk lid! My Crown Vic trunk WAS almost as big as a Trac bed!:grin:
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I love it when the sh!t hits the fan.

We have govt regulations and standards to keep our financial systems from going haywire...guess what? They don't keep Wall St and banks from failing. We had govt regulations and standards to keep our cars safe...guess what? Massive recalls, finger pointing and cover-ups still happen?

The same is true for deep sea drilling. No amount of regulations will keep bad things from happening. The ONLY real way to protect people from these failures is to:

a. Let these bad things happen and let the chips fall where they may! Companies that make bad cars, banks that make unsound financial decisions, and companies that kill the environment typically don't last that long...don't bail them out, don't prop them up/

b. Sue and penalize the offenders out of existence! Make clear the penalties for failing (building sh!tty cars, driving financial organizations into insolvency, killing the environment); and when I mean sue, I DO NOT MEAN just the corporate entities involved, but also THE EXECUTIVES that run those companies, AND THE SHAREHOLDERS. I think the latter part is long overdue.

The shareholders are the ones propping up the entire house of cards which is our system of capitalism. Making them responsible for their sponsorship of companies that do wrong would sting at first, but in the long run return Wall St back to where it needs to be...a place to invest wisely, with integrity, for the long term.

Maybe now would be a good time to jump on the whole Nuclear Reactor bandwagon...the one that is led by France.

Obama is handing out money for "shovel-ready" projects left and right, and the (hopefully) soon-to-be-former Governor of Maryland is constantly kowtowing to PresBO for free $...maybe PresBo could be persuaded to send some $ to MD for nuclear power. We have a reactor that is primed for expansion just sitting there, waiting for its radioactive friends to join it and help out the east coast grid.

Helluva lot better than the "Coalition" MD/PA/VA/DE have formed for the incredibly retarded "offshore wind platforms". Nuclear now, experimental pinwheels on barges later.

(Funny how the "green" technology is the least environmentally friendly, no?)

I really do wish that the Corporate Structure didn't serve as whipping boy & scapegoat for shareholders and executives. That doesn't make sense, and does not work.

(I also wish corporate taxes were abolished, you can't tax a "corporation", only the end consumer...)

Maybe now would be a good time to jump on the whole Nuclear Reactor bandwagon...the one that is led by France.

I agree, Three Mile Island crippled the expansion for decades.

We could solve the immigration problem and the energy problem with expanding nuclear

plants, and putting detained illegals to work in these plants for room and board, instead of prison. When they get released we can see them glow in the desert when they try to get back into the country!:bwahaha:
...and morons who live by my local Nuclear Power Plant are trying to protest the nuclear reactor that was put in motion over 3 years ago to build. The same people moan about electricity costs.

Making more photovoltaic solar plants for PresBO photo ops, or filling fields with mirrors that reflect the Sun onto a giant phallu..I mean obelisk like the Spanish solar plants is all fine and good, but nuclear power has a laundry list of advantages over that.

Though do we need illegals to work the plants? I though they were largely automated, and from experience in the "Gateway state of the East", I've seen enough illegals on construction to know that I wouldn't trust them with building a roof on my front porch, let alone a nuclear plant.

lol, 3 mile island didn't melt down--everyone knows that Hugh Jackman and Ryan Reynolds razed it to the ground in a really bad CG fight. (movie, Wolverine:Origins) :grin:

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