Bud Williams
Well-Known Member
The Obama Administration sabotaged the oil rig in order to further the agenda of the environmental left wing of his party. The worst oil spill in history will doom the industry, put even stricter regulations in place. Regulations that will halt all off shore drilling. The ultimate goal is to cripple the energy sector, thus weakening our economy to the verge of collapse. You think 4-5 dollar gas prices increased goods and services? What will 8-9 dollars a gallon do for this country?
Now before you left wing koo-koos, and Obama kool aid drinkers get your panties in a wad.
Doesn't this sound like the "Bush administration secretly took down the World Trade Center"?
Just had to throw it out there.....:bwahaha:
Now Obama, get off your butt and fix this mess!!!
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