Obama Administration to Utilize Trackers on Freed Illegal Immigrants

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user 64972

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Dec 23, 2006
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Obama Administration to Utilize Trackers on Freed Illegal Immigrants


They will probably use the same tracking devices they used in Fast N Furious to track those 2000+ guns Holder sent south of the border. At least they will know where the illegals all vote in the next elections and how many different places they vote at.
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This is the biggest failure of the government in my lifetime. It just doesn't stop. Here in Arizona I feel like I am in a foreign country. English is a second language. Our congressional officials are not representing the American worker. Illegal's are openly rubbing our noses in this mess. There is no reason to hide, they don't even threaten to deport. Wake up America!

Your right. I live in a city bordering Houston. I go into many stores, I have to read thru the spanish on the signs. To get to the english part. I guess that make me racist. IMO, that has to be tied to the cost of the product. someone has to pay for the extra language and printing..

I live in a multi curtural 'hood. For the last few years I have been gettin neighbors, that dont speak english. I grew up in a multi curtural neighbor hood. Back then even hispanic neighbors spoke english. Not now. Cant socialize anymore.......:sad:
Back then even hispanic neighbors spoke english. Not now. Cant socialize anymore.......

Bring a can of bean dip and some chips. For a six-pack of Negra Modelo, they'll reshingle your roof and aerate your lawn. Around here, the immigrants milk cows and shovel cow **** for minimum wage.
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Seems to me that if you use an alien workforce to shingle your roof you are part of the problem. Use skilled American labor, preferably Union Labor, and not only will you help the economy, you probably wont get bean dip on your roof. I guarantee the roof will last too, since the Union contractor gives a guarantee and pays taxes. I hear this rhetoric a lot from people down there.."I want my country back" Well if you look at the past, the greatest era of prosperity in our past is directly proportional to the highest Union membership totals. If you want change, start buying American

It never ceases to amaze me the level of ignorance about how our system in America truly works.
Amish and Mennonite workers provide top notch work at illegal immigrant prices.


Most people don't just hire someone to re-shingle their roof, they hire a roofing company. Here in Texas, the crew that does the work will be made up of mostly Hispanics. I do not know if any of them are illegal aliens, that's between them, the INS and their employer. I don't know if they belong to a union, but I doubt it, since Texas is a Right to Work state, unions are much rarer.

I had a client that hired a lot of laborers and was constantly had problems with the INS because they would come and raid his business and find some illegal aliens. He only hired workers who had the proper documentation, however some of their documents were forged. He asked the INS how can spot forged documents so he would not hire illegals with forged documents, and he was told that they were not allowed to tell him how they can tell forged documents? I guess they are afraid that if the forgers find out, they will make better forgeries???

It always amazes me that people who live in northern states like Indiana, think they really know how to solve the immigration problems in the states along the Mexican border.

How can you Buy American, when so much of the products sold in the USA are made somewhere else? Even most of the components of our American made cars are made overseas. We live in a Global economy and we are no longer living in a Cold War era. While we might not be the best of friends, we have shown that we can exist together if we have fair trade with other countries. We also found that we can use trade embargos to punish some rouge counties without dropping bombs.....it just may take longer.


Rich, I will email you a list of Union contractors that work in Texas.

If the aliens had no work or opportunity they would not come here. The opportunities are plenty because of companies and the people running these companies who want to cheat the system and cheat paying taxes. The Right-to-Work (for less) is championed by the GOP who could give two sh*ts about the American citizens (workers) Think about it ..the race to the bottom is our standard of living sinking to the third world. Ask anyone with more than a grammar school education and he/she would say that we should raise the standard of living of the poor nations up to ours. Its quite simple economics. The confusing thing is to root for the right side. The side that wants to help people (the constituency) instead of the 1 percent. (the greedy CEO)

Read the current Rolling Stone...great article about how Texas (and the simpletons living there) who have been hijacked by the extreme right wing. I think it might help you Rich


Don't bother emailing me anything! I don't care about Union contractors in Texas.

My point was that most people don't care if the roofer is Union or not, and that does not rule out that they will unknowingly hire illegal aliens. The point you don't understand, as well as many of the others is that if you hire a person with a green card, they have the right to work, and you will deduct taxes...but you have know way of knowing if they are illegal aliens with a forged Green card. It's also illegal to discrimate base on Race, religion, sex or ethinic background. So if you don't hire someone you suspect may have a forged Green-Card, you and your business may be sued !!

Texas was never highjacked by the extreme right wing. California is extreme left wing and look at the financial crisis they are in. It's because the liberals in California want to embrace the illegal aliens and they in turn are sucking the financial life blood out of the citizens of California in the form of higher taxes and higher costs for everything!! Texas is taking steps to not end up like California.

If you checked the news media over the last few days, you will see that Obamas answer to the unaccompanied children making illegal entry into the USA have been bused to California....and even the Liberals in California don't want them and actuall blocked the buses.

It's easy for someone in Indiana or other northern states to side with the illegal aliens and blame the businesses in Texas who hire them, but the vast majority of the illegal aliens hired have INS documents. The fact that they are forged is not the responsibility of the businesses....and that is why most of these businesses are not taken to court or fined because they hired illegal aliens. Even if the business suspectsthe documents are forged, they have no way of knowing for sure, and the INS will not clue them in on how to identify forged documents...and the Feds have done nothing to make the documents more difficult to forge.

The INS prefers to make these big raids on a company with the media on hand to record the raids. But later, no charges are levied against the business because the illegals had forged documents...but that is never covered by the liberal media!


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Lol People DO care if a company is Union. Look at the stadiums and high rises in (yes even in Texas) your state. They weren't constructed with Non union, unskilled, undocumented workers. They were built by Union labor. Exclusively.

Another thing I have noticed over the years is nobody wants their values questioned. I know it is tough to swallow, but all those years of John Wayne movies and Rodeo/Mega Evangelical roundups have made a society of Texans that believe in a fantasy America that never existed in the first place. You will probably say that these articles that lampoon the South (mostly texas) are the product of the "librul media" (actually 98% media is owned by big corps) you are mistaken though.

You adherence to a "brand" over what can actually help the people and the country rebuild its infrastructure is hurting us all. Sure there are unpleasant things that come with voting for a "Librul". But the fact is that the "brand' or Party you espouse has been hijacked by the wealthy merely looking for a tax break. They use cowboy hats, jesus, illegal aliens, and guns to rile up the masses. But none of these things provide jobs and food. Hijacked, roped whatever you wanna call the distraction.....its truth y'all.

I also know that I wont, in a thousand lifetimes, change a closed mind. But the mere fact that I am here, ready to retort the people who still have the audacity to say things that would get you fired up here in civilization (the north) is good enough for me.

Soon Rich there wont be a place for you to hang yer 10 gallon hat. All them damn foreigners, librullz and bean eaters will take over your town. When it happens, do the right thing like Eastwood did in Gran Torino will ya?! Im sure they will make a movie about it. Maybe get John Waynes great great grandson to play you! Yee hawww!

Lol "Liberal Media"...Hilarious that one is almost as old as the Alamo itself.

The Liberal Media is alive and well and yes, it is often owned by big corporations. Believe it or not, many Liberals own very large corporations and throw their weight and money around to back liberal candidates. As soon as Obama leaves office (unless he gets kicked out first) the illegal immigrant problem in Texas and the other border states will improve. Even the Supreme Court is starting to rule against a lot of what Obama has declared is signature accomplishments.

To bypass Congress, Obama has been using his Executive Order power to implement laws that have not been approved by Congress...Executive Orders are for emergency situations, not to circumvent Congress! That violates the checks and balances required by the Constitution. If Boehner goes ahead with his lawsuit against the President,(and I hope he does) I doubt that the Supreme Court could deny that Obama's use of the Presidential Executive Order is an abuse of power and a violation of the Constitution.

Oh, and in case you didn't know, I am not a native Texan so all your sarcasm by trying to type with a Texas drawl makes you look stupid...even more so than what you actually say. I have lived in Texas for over 30 years but when I talk, everyone knows I am not a native Texan. I was actually born and raised in Ohio, so northern thinking is not new to me....They think they have the solution to everyone's problems but they cannot even solve their own....Kind of like California.


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Ask anyone with more than a grammar school education and he/she would say that we should raise the standard of living of the poor nations up to ours.

So, Frank, are you in support of free trade agreements?

Excellent point Hugh! The various Free Trade agreements allows poor countries to enter the global market place and lift themselves out of poverty. The problem is the repressive governments in many of those countries is sucking up the money and letting their own citizens exist in poverty. Why does that become America's problem, and why do American citizens have to pay to support these illegal aliens

Didn't figure he could or would want to answer that one.