Obama and Democrats, take note !!

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It's the politicians who are raping the middle class, not the wealthy. The wealthy and the middle class earned their money? Why should the liberal Democrats take the money from the people who earned it and give it to those who are too lazy to work for their money and just wait around for hand outs?

It appears that the Netherlands understands this problem and it doing something about it. They are creating a "Participation Society" where everyone will have to earn their own keep and redistribution of other people's wealth ends

I give money to several charities, but you cannot force Charity onto anyone, you can only force them to pay taxes. If the Democrats feel so sorry for the poor, let them reach into their own pockets and give their money to those who refuse to work and get their hands out of MY pockets.

I will repeat the words of Margaret Thatcher: "Socialism only works until you run out of other people's money"


The 1% do not take anything out of my middle class income; in fact, they fund it.

I receive no tax credits because we don't have a mortgage or children; I received no federal education grants because my parents "made too much" even though I've been self reliant since 17; I have no minority status and I work too hard and too much to claim any "benefits." When I was unemployed after college, it was determined I was ineligible for benefits for reasons undisclosed. Tens of thousands of dollars are taken from me by force and I receive very little direct benefit from it. We can start talking about indirect non-monetary benefits like safe food, roads, yada, yada...but I eat game meat, vegetables grown at home or from the farmer's market and my truck doesn't need pavement. I think I also have security and defense under control. Either way, it shouldn't cost me tens of thousands of dollars for the benefits I get from the government. We don't earn that much but we have enough taken from us to take one family well above poverty level even if they CHOOSE not to work at all.

Yet, the 1% haven't taken a single dime from me. Actually, both of our salaries are thanks to two Fortune 500 companies who's top earners invest heavily in the company (for a commensurate return) so that we have salaries and company growth. For that, I am thankful. How should I demonize those that give me the opportunity to feed my family and praise those that take from us and make it more difficult to do that? How backward a world we live in (or liberals dream in)?

Like Richard, I also GIVE money without the use of force. I tithe 10% to the church without fail. I also give roughly another 5% annually to other charitable contributions. I would like to do more but I do need to take care of my family first with whatever the government allows me to keep.

Class warfare is really a weak crutch. It is not going to help a single person. Generational poverty has been the biggest result of democrats' policies of reliance. It has also been the biggest hindrance to the middle class when 20-40% of their income is drained to fuel the reliant. Forget the 1%, I'm talking about the 49% that are drained to pay for the other 50%. I would have built a house and had children two years ago if only 15% less taxes were taken from me. Instead, I have to pay for those who have children early with no jobs and no health insurance. Don't talk to me about fairness because you'll only piss me off when I think about how I try to do things the right way but have to fund the degenerates who are "victimized" by the system or the 1% or whoever you want to blame besides their poor decisions.

Participation is a beautiful thing and gives pride to people. How can that be so bad?
When the middle class is gone...then what do we have?

Democrats on food stamps, free healthcare, and welfare. With a new car, cell phone and house. Wait one more thing. When all the middle class get all these free things we have riots because the they can't get the free things anymore.
Again just repeat the script. Welfare. The lazy city folk dont want to work. Food stamps. Fat woman drives a Caddy to the grocery store and pays with food stamps

I get it. You haters want a one party system instead of what we have. Why not move to Texas all at the same time and vote blindly until you get yer own country again and then live happily ever after. Id live to see it. You can pretend its 1955 and John Wayne is on the silver screen totin his colt 45 and slapping the slackers in the face. Heck lets just eliminate unions and go back to the really good days of child labor. Nothing better for a kid than some 12 hour days pickin veggies or breathin asbestos. It will toughen em up.

Progress is just fancy talk right?

War is peace

Freedom is slavery

Ignorance is strength


You didn't utter a word that makes any sense. Your whole barrage of words is void of any point.

Nobody is talking about child labor laws, so why do you mention it? Lazy people who don't want to work are everywhere, not just in the cities. They don't have to be fat, or drive Cadillacs, and they don't all get food stamps. And you want to tell us that we are talking about the 1955 stereotypes??

I believe there should be unemployment payments. I believe there should be some form of indegent Health Care. I believe that there should be Welfare. I believe that there should be Food Stamps. But I just don't believe that these programs should be doled out to anyone for an unlimited amount of time. Anybody can lose their job or have a financial crisis, but for the people truly willing to work, these crisis are short lived and they will take almost any job that puts food on the table for their families. Too many people think that Welfare, unemployment, and Food Stamps pays better and has better hours than than a real job.

If you can't work because of a legitimate, documented disability, I can accept that as a basis for welfare, but not for unemployment payments. If you collect unemployment checks, that means you previously had a job, you are able bodied, and looking for work....so while you are collecting unemployment and looking for work, why can't you do some community service work to earn your unemployment payments?

If after six months and you have not found a job, your unemployment payments stop. If you cannot find work in six months you are too picky or not even trying.

There are plenty of jobs flipping burgers, or being a Wal-Mart greeter. You may even have to relocate to find work and hundreds of thousands of people do that every year....go where the work is. The longer you go without a job the less willing an employer will be to hire you.

There is a shocking fact that the people who are no longer looking for a job are not even included in the unemployment statistics??? I wonder how hard they looked before they threw in the towel??? I guess that's one way to make it sound like the administration has lowered the unemployment rate??

I was unemployed several times in my life...Once for one week, once for 3 months, and once for a year....but I never gave up and I never collected a penny of unemployment, welfare or food stamps in my life. I trimmed my expenses to the bare minimum, and dug into my savings to make ends meet....and I never gave up looking for a job.


I love it. Lets let the earth clean itself. To hell with the EPA. The earth has a "self cleaning cycle". Lets cut down all the trees. Redwoods too! The earth has a "self clean" mode. HAAA

I love it! The minds are completely closed!!!
Oh sorry. This is a squash the poor thread. Nobody wants to work. Just give the hand outs. Yeah sorry

Food stamps

Affirmative action





Apple pie

ChurcH (only certain ones)

Duck Dynasty/Larry Cable guy


I'm being squashed, not the poor.

Here's a simple homework assignment. Which of the glowing cities on the hill with high taxes and "assistance to the poor" would you point to as a model for the rest of the country?

Detroit? Los Angeles? Pittsburgh? New York? Seattle? How about the leading example of them all, District of Columbia? It's comforting to know the social engineering has worked so well in those cities and generational poverty is all but extinct.

Detroit is an excellent example of all the best of the liberal agenda at work. Stack high taxes, welfare, unions and social engineering and you get a liberal utopia. Everything you dream about, Frank, and everything you rattle on about is right there in one place working in all it's glory. I'll buy you a plane ticket and first month's rent if you'll move to the glowing city on the hill. Consider it another contribution from me to the great liberal life.
Well said Hugh !! Your examples of US cities that implemented liberal socialism and now are having difficulty keeping their heads above water are perfect examples what Obama and the Democrats are trying to ram down all of our throats !!


Your posts make less sense than ObamaCare. You never speak of facts or cite any specific examples. You only talk in fragmented sentences or list items without showing any relationship.

But I guess that's the language of the Liberals....never speak of specifics...generalize everything and keep everyone guessing about what you mean?? When question about specifics, lie and exaggerate about the doom and gloom that will occur if you don't get your way, and blame it on the Conservative Republicans.


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