Do you really think by raising taxes on the wealthy, "legislates" the poor out of poverty? No it doesnt. Its ridiculous! All it does is make the wealthy pay a higher rate.
No I don't believe it works, and neither do you, but that is not the point of the statement...It's about the class warfare that the Democrats and Obama wants poor people to believe. There are a lot of poor people who vote for Obama who think it works that way...and Obama wants them to continue thinking that way. All taxing the wealthy does is puts more money in the governments coffers and the politicians have more taxpayer money to waste.
My statement "Most poor people choosing to be poor" is not ignorant since it has a lot a validity. I did not say that poor people wanted to be poor, but they made most of the bad decisions that resulted in them being poor. Most of those bad decisions were made at a very young age and continuously paying them money without them changing their attitude or demonstrating any effort to pull themselves up out of poverty does not help them. If they can survive on welfare, handouts or larceny they are content to have no education, no training and no job, since it's much easier to get free money, free healthcare, free food-stamps, and anything you can legally or illegally acquire.
I'm sure you have heard the old saying: "Give a man a fish and you fed him for one day. Teach the man to fish, and you have fed him for life."
The only part that is missing is that this only works if the man wants to learn to fish, and is willing to go fishing everyday for his food. If you continue to fed him everyday, he develops a sense of entitlement, and begins to demand more....a fish a day is not enough because now he wants bread, and wine because you have bread and wine with your fish.
This is not anything new...This same scenario has been going on since man has been on earth. There are always freeloaders in all societies and Obama is not going to change that. by taxing the wealthy. The poor never get any benefit of the higher taxes that is collected from the wealthy. Whatever they do get makes them feel entitled to more because they still cannot buy all the things that the wealthy have. If the government would stop paying the poor to be poor, there would be no need to raise taxes on the wealthy and the middle class will pay less taxes. If the poor have to work for a living, then they will be more inspired to get an education and strive to get a better paying job.