occupy wall street.......

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Hugh...If you seriously think that no voilence, crime, etc.. happened at any tea party event...then you are the stoopidest person in the world. STOOOOPIDEST! There are deviants in every crowd. Even your Tea Party.

First of all, your childish name calling is unnecessary. It speaks volumes of your intelligence and ability to make grown up, intelligent arguments.

Second, proof. Where is your proof? The link above shows hundreds of accounts of arrests and news reports on the OWS protestors. Give me just one instance, one link, to prove that you can do more than just spout off Anderson Cooper's talking points. If these instances were actually isolated and only the acts of a few deviants, rather than the pattern that is appearing, you may have an actual argument. Unfortunately for you, and the perhaps well meaning message(s), that just is not the case.

Btw, it's not "my" Tea Party. I sure hope you don't claim the "OWS" as your own. Wouldn't that be embarrassing, given the futility and ignorance?
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Also, stoopid usually has a "u" in it somewhere. I'm not sure on the proper location, but I think I've seen that word somewhere with a "u" in it.

And, you should also claim that I am the "most stoopid" rather than stoopidest.

I'll also just assume that "voilence" was a typo and not part of your pattern of demonstrating your educational superiority.

I've never been the grammar police, but it's just too ironic to be called the "stoopidest person in the world" in such an intelligent manner.

I suppose you'll claim the 1% are hogging all the intelligence as well. I might have to agree.
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Right on, Hugh.

Got any factual proof of your allegations, Frank? I'm sure you recall the Tea Party rally in March 2010 where members of the Congressional Black Caucus claimed that Tea Party protesters shouted racial epithets at them and spit upon them. Not one shred of proof was found to substantiate this lie.

A $100,000 reward was even offered if anyone could produce proof of this event taking place, and as of yet, no one has stepped forward to claim the reward.

Doesn't ring a bell?

Still trying to come up with proof of violence at a Tea Party event? Wait, I'll do your job for you. There was indeed an incident of violence and a Tea Party rally. Except it was SEIU thugs beating up a conservative black man at a Tea Party event in St. Louis. Unfortunately, the goons in purple were found not guilty at trial. Guess those SEIU union dues are good for something, like good legal representation!:angry:

Linked below for your reference.
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Yeah, I almost forgot there was violence at a Tea Party rally...by liberal labor union thugs.
Dear NYPD,

Now that OWS is advocating disruption of the streets and subways, this is no longer a "peaceful" gathering in a park.

Please brush the dust off of the CS canisters, rubber bullets and billy clubs.

OWS is about to learn a lesson in crowd control today. :grin:
Fkent says:

Please brush the dust off of the CS canisters, rubber bullets and billy clubs.

Eddie Murphy had the same advice in Trading Places:

<iframe width="420" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/QxAiLuPHnHs" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
wow over 100 posts on my thread :supercool:

the occupy wall st idiots disrupted my operation today by acting like total babies :sad:

thanks for inconvenience/disruptions you caused the working people trying to do their job and delaying testing patients blood work :fire:

at least make some sense you idiots :angry:
Hey Republicans! None of you have America and the world's best interests in mind and you all are just playing partisan games that are going to screw the little guys over- AGAIN! Your bogus games are going to tank the stock market and create a disaster in the economy. Be responsible and get your jobs done and extend the debt ceiling and get rid of those stupid ass tax cuts to the rich. Most of them don't even want or need them anyway! Work together like adults!!!! Stop beating around the bush and trying to force an "extension" so you can do this all again in a month or two and force Obama to fight for what should be done already during the election you A**holes. Boehner, you are such a little slave to the TEA PARTY who is nothing but a bunch of white trash hicks anyway who can't even speak or think at a third grade level. Think how hard the middle class has been hit because of you! Do whats best for AMERICA, not for your party.

And to the republicans who want to get rid of social security and medicare: a big, fat, #%@% YOU!!!! 90 million Americans depend on this and you scumbaGGs want to take it away. No effing way. Just the thought of doing that pisses me off beyond belief and it's going to kill MY GRANDMA. You jerks are all getting pensions while all of the people who worked their ***** off and don'have pensions are going to get the shaft. Shame on anyone who wants to take this away. I'll never vote for anyone who wants to cut this, EVER.

DO YOUR JOBS ALREADY and stop trying to derail our country for your own political gain you *%%HOLES!!

:bwahaha:John (Frank), I don't think you've been following Washington very closely. Where in the world did you come up with those scary scenarios? :bwahaha:

Are you aware of how many bills the Republican House has offered?
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Really, Frank... Now you're too cowardly to post your mindless dribble on here under your real name, so you create a "secret identity"? You could've at least used email address in your "secret identity" profile that doesn't include your real name:banghead:... Absolutely pathetic!:bwahaha:

Note the email addresses in these two profiles:

"John", aka Frank Filletti's secret identity profile, created just today:

[Broken External Image]:

Frank Filletti's original profile:

[Broken External Image]:

I really wish the site admins would evaluate Frank's contributions to this site (or lack thereof). I've done a site search on him in the past, and the majority of his posts on here have been nothing but mindless, name-calling rhetoric in posts where the subject was political in nature. I could find absolutely zero posts Sport Trac-related, or non-political in nature where Frank contributed in a positive manner. This is really getting old. Seems to me to be a prime candidate for banishment. Just sayin'

And now::back2topic:
How sad. I thought I had seen pathetic things on the internet before...

At least there's someone to agree with Frank now. Even if it is his paranoid schizophrenic alter-ego.:bwahaha:
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He was going to use another email address, but the 1% have already snatched them all up.

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