What's the question? Leakdown can be caused by the seal being worn out on the lever or the hydrolic fluid being low/old. I've used a number of floor jacks (don't know if any were Lincoln) but if it won't hold in the up position (slowly lets the vehicle down) when the lock is on the seal could be shot in the piston letting the fluid bleed through the valve. Am I aswering the question or is it something different?
I have had several Lincoln floor jacks, currently I have a 6k Forklift jack that bleeds down. In the past if you have lifted too much weight you may have damaged the seals. Sometimes the seals just wear out and fluid will by-pass around them.
Thanks Dreaddy. I suspected as much. It is a shop jack and I got it from the sprs shop when they were turning it in to DRMO. BTW, when I cruised your library I saw those sharp OD green vehicles you are working on. Don