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Neal Kyer

Mar 11, 2006
Reaction score
Altoona, IA
This weekend I was heading up to the lake to do some fishing. On the way there I blasted Bambi. I hit that sucker goin about 50. I know you arent supposed to "Veer for Deer" but, If i didnt, I dont think i would be here to tell you about it. The freakin thing sent my RH mirror through the passenget window into my head. OUCH!! not to mention the glass shower i got from it. Im still diggin glass outta my dome. Im thinkin it did about 5 or 6 Large in damage...Thank goodness for full coverage!![Broken External Image]:
Nothing personal,but good thing the family wasn't with ya.Glad that your alright.Well except for the cryin part. O so when is the deer jerky going to be ready.
I went back the next morning to find my RH rear center cap. No deer. Sorry the deer jerky probably wont happen. I can cook up a mess of fish for everyone though. I caught over 60 fish this weekend.
I was referring to the deer because they have some good low fat meat. I've seen several deers that were hit by an auto get scooped up and taken to a proccesing plant for meat. ;)
Doin' my part to reduce the number of deer / automobile collisions. ;)

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I hot a moose with my 1990 Mustang GT back in 1999 going 120 km/h down the highway (posted speed limit was 110 km/h). It was 3 am and no one else was on the unlit highway, lucky for me I tripped it, it came in back first (better than the alternative). It crushed in my roof and the force of the impact resulted in my right arm smashing through my windshield and burying my arm up to my armpit while the roof forced my head in the opposite direction (trust me, I know Im lucky to be alive). Because no one else was on the highway I got to do the dubious task of pulling my own arm back through the windshield ( no because of the force of the impact the hole was actually smaller than my arm was). Unfourtunately cutting up my arm was pretty much unavoidable.

The result was 37 stitches to my arm, 4 on my forhead, 2 broken fingers, a massive loss of blood as it took an hour to finally get the ambulance there (30 minutes after the accident a car finally came by and stopped to help and had a cell phone) and destroyed 1990 "Moose"tang.

Be lucky its just a little bit of cosmatic damage that can be repaired.

How many points did it have? Your lucky it didn't come into the windshield and that the Trac was still driveable.
Glad your ok! I used to drive a route through the Lassen Mtn area outside of Redding to Reno. After seeing 8 Deer on the side of the road and 1 standing still on the center line, I've decided just to take the long way to Reno now. Not worth hitting a deer at 70MPH in the middle of no where.
I have this awful feeling that is going to happen to me, with the meet in Louisville looming so near, and I'll be showin' up to a Sport Trac meet in my wife's minivan!
I was on a early morning drive from Flagstaff to the Grand Canyon, and saw enough elk standing by the side of the road I drove about 45 mph the rest of the way into the park. Those stupid things will just stand in the middle of a highway.
Glad you are ok, and glad the damage was not anymore than it could have been.

I was on my way back from Vegas and actually saw a Ram. This time it was a real one...and not a Dodge! ha ha! I now know why the Ram within next 10 mile signs are posted. 7 years of driving that stretch finally paid off. Darted out right in front of the trac...but luckily and thankfully he didn't get hit :) Lovely creature...very cool to see in the wild. :D