OK this is just FREAKIN' COOL!

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That was pretty cool. Something to see in person.

I'm surprised it didn't hold a quorum...maybe everyone has just seen it before?

Apparently you don't need 100 dollar glasses to watch it...unlike the Samsung tvs the billboard was for.

Why can't we have more cool billboards? Most billboards are the same old boring sign on a stick that have been kicking around for over a century now.
Pretty neat--Makes you wonder what is really on the building. Are any of the windows or archways actually present, or is it just a big brick wall?

I think it's a bit of a stretch for whomever put the video on that site to call it a "realistic 3D projection". Although it's extremely cool, it's clearly not 3D, any more than any TV show whose shadows give the impression of depth even though there's no actual 3D effects. The fact that it's done at night clearly enhances the perception of a 3D effect, without there actually being one.
I agree Bill,

I really liked when that fish came out of the building and appeared to be swimming around in front of it though!
There's a company that travels around and does that. They did it at our town hall last year and it was pretty amazing.
The building pwns the Chinese girl.

All she did was slalom through cones, and took about a fourth of the video to warm up.

Hard, yes...but not very audacious.

BTW, do the Chinese swear she is 16+ too? I ask because Google gave me a toilet training for girls ad...I kid you not. A coincidence...I hope...but hilarious.

Oh, and she hit a cone pretty heinously (the first cone too). Is she still kickin'? I didn't think China tolerated mistakes.

Yeah, not impressed...She hit the first cone! deduct points right there. Just kidding, The cones were pretty tight together, I doubt I'd be able to do that without lots of time practicing that.
Well KL, I would like to see your version of this, done by you, of course.

I already stated that it was hard. I also stated that I was not impressed. So by your post if someone isn't impressed with an act, they have to replicate it? Fallacy.

Also, I don't listen to that type of "music", so an exact recreation is out.

Tell me again how this is more impressive than the projection. Actually, just tell me, since you haven't actually done it yet. The video was said to be awesome, and I see no reason to be in awe. At times like these, the defenders of a position are called upon to justify their position...or just forfeit it. I can't understand your view until you actually voice it.

(BTW, poorly thought out conceited comments don't count as voicing your viewpoint)

Shoot, you want impressive physical videos? That site has videos of parkour & freerunning videos, which are infinitely more physical, and impressive (hands down) than this skate run. Why not link those? If you think a girl doing her driving test on skates is impressive...