Oklahoma duct tape tragedy

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Cheaper than renting a truck I guess... Why people try to save a few bucks and endanger themselves and others I will never understand...

What are you talking about with saving a few bucks........

Looks like they spent well over $100.00 on duct tape !!!!!!!

Just one more reason why I say that folks need to pass a SUPIDITY TEST when they turn 21. Fail the test and we get to ship you off to some deserted island so that you don't endanger the rest of us that actually use our brains.
Just one more reason why I say that folks need to pass a SUPIDITY TEST when they turn 21. Fail the test and we get to ship you off to some deserted island so that you don't endanger the rest of us that actually use our brains.
I'm going to keep that saying Dave ST'errific :lol::lol::lol::lol:
There was a picture of a small car hauling a crapload of plywood...I think the springs went right up through the rear end. Anybody have that link/picture?

HAHAHA i wonder how they got in, they taped the door too, did they went thru the window? or just sat on the car while a genius did the tape work LOL
They at least were driving in the 'slow' lane. Not sure 'slow' meaning the car or their mental process.
That's a VW Jetta in the second pic...there was also soemthing like 500lbs worth of concrete mix in the back as well. Sad to see dump people mess up nice cars.
Dave and Dan,

Who says that they didn't already fail the Oklahoma stupidity test? Looks like they've been banished to Texas...:wacko:

Oh, man, am I gonna hear it now...