once again.......

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Tyler in the post where most of this started.

Chris, Beleive me This IS my business.....

Todd Z
Seriously, both of you need to stop. This is a site (as explained OVER and OVER) for people to come to and get info and converse with people that have the same interests. Tyler, I told you in your last post to just chill out and take the lumps. Drop this whole "punctuation" thing and take the harrassment like a man if you aren't willing to quit posting that shit. Chris, no need to get in a pissing match with this kid. He's not worth getting kicked off for and show alittle of god-damn respect to Todd. If you ever need advice on something, he's one of the one's you hope gives you advise!!!;)
My appoligies guys... Tyler just got under my skin a little. But thats ok. He is still lucky he lives 3,000 miles away.

opps..... I can't spell
A quick review, in case you missed it on the home page, or the other hundred or so times I've written this in the past six years:

1) Treat each other respectfully

2) Watch your language

3) I will not tolerate personal threats; if you go there, your tenure here will be short, so DON'T DO IT.

Everybody clear on these easy-to-follow and simple rules? Good!

Now, argue all you like, discuss controversies, talk about the Sport Trac, whatever. Just don't whack each other around while you do it.

I just want to know what Q has to say about this.


P.S. Todd Z, its my buisness too. Two grown men, mature and responsible threatening each other for grammar. Give me a break.

To hell with this........................I'm going fishin'


Wow... 2 brand new member threatening each other.... grow up. What did your mommies not hig you enough as children that you have all this pent up aggression and it makes you feel like a man to act like children on a forum. Why don't you 2 stick to just to "on topic" posts until you 2 can handle yourselves is a more mature manner. I can't believe how childish you 2 are being.

At least I can understand why tyler is like that he like 15... but chris... how old are you?