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I believe the "Category - Other Non - Ford Vehicles" was instituted for a reason. And I also believe it was aptly used by Cruzrtwdgt .

The vehicles I currently own and personally drive:

2005 ST, 36,000 miles, no problems whatsoever - serves it's unique purpose.

2006 Avalon - Best fit, ride, quality of any vehicle I've ever owned - Designed, Engineered, Built in the USA

2001 Honda Civic - 33-39 mpg and fun to drive - POS, IMO otherwise.

1999 Taurus - Paid for and too nice to sell considering resale value.

2004 Suzuki GSXF Katana - 12,000+ miles - no problems whatsoever - blast to commute on.

1993 Honda ST1100 - 40,000+ miles - no problems whatsoever - comfy long haul rider.

Again, "Category - Other Non - Ford Vehicles" is there for a reason. I do know that one can filter out certain catagories through preferences and hope that some will look into that option.
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We should all tell people to buy a Toyota and be happy when they do.


What is the alternative Tom? Tell all people to buy a Sport Trac and be happy with it?:unsure:
What is the alternative Tom? Tell all people to buy a Sport Trac and be happy with it?

Yup. If you are not happy about your vehicle, buy something else and go on with your life.

I have not seen Toyota host any Sport Trac meets. If this website caters to members that suggest all members to buy something other than a Ford, then we will never get any support from Ford.

Ford has done a fantastic roll in supporting us in meets. They open their plant for us to tour. They host an awesome lunch and give away prizes. My regret is that I was unable to make it to all the meets.

If this website is used to promote something OTHER than a Sport Trac, or even a Ford for that matter, why should Ford do anything for us? We do not know what Ford plans to do with the Sport Trac. We should not forget that the 1st generation Sport Trac was built on the old chassis while the 2002 Explorer was a different chassis. If the Sport Trac still proves to be a sold seller, the Sport Trac may continue to be built right along the replacement Explorer.

We do not know for sure. Lets not screw this up for member that actually care about each other and worry about this website.


the only way to solve your problem is if the ONLY threads were about the sport trac.


do you really think ford is not going to make the sport trac because someone (me) decided to switch to another manufacturer? i highy doubt it.

i am in contact with the ford fleet regional rep on a regular basis and beleive me, this website ( not to be taken in a negative manner ) is not going to make or break the s/t future. if anything, ford would like to hear the cons as well as the pro's of the s/t.

and based on what you said above, someone who posts that they purchased a challenger, ford is going to stop building the sport trac. or is it just if they purchase a toyota?.

and i NEVER said that everyone should sell their ford's for a toyota product. so please show me where i said that.

i do remember when i first tested the edge upon it's inception, it was you that trashed it.

so i am still a bit confused on your "points" :unsure:

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do you really think ford is not going to make the sport trac because someone (me) decided to switch to another manufacturer? i highy doubt it.

Where did I say that?

i am in contact with the ford fleet regional rep on a regular basis and beleive me, this website ( not to be taken in a negative manner ) is not going to make or break the s/t future.

I wasn't aware that I said that.

and based on what you said above, someone who posts that they purchased a challenger, ford is going to stop building the sport trac. or is it just if they purchase a toyota?.

Don't know where I said that either. Please enlighten me.

I do know that I did say the following...

If this website caters to members that suggest all members to buy something other than a Ford, then we will never get any support from Ford.

Nothing was said about Ford will continue to build the Sport Trac because of us, but we get support from Ford. How may you ask? Well, I also said...

Ford has done a fantastic roll in supporting us in meets. They open their plant for us to tour. They host an awesome lunch and give away prizes. My regret is that I was unable to make it to all the meets.

Interesting...isn't it?

Something else I said...

If this website is used to promote something OTHER than a Sport Trac, or even a Ford for that matter, why should Ford do anything for us?


you are saying/implying it so many ways.

you also state that the website should just be about the s/t and no other vehicles.

does ford really care if someone here posts that purchased a non ford vehicle.

hiighly doubt it !!!!

remember going foward, post only sport trac related items. if not, ford might not buy you lunch :rolleyes:
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does ford really care if someone here posts that purchased a non ford vehicle.

Nope. They would care if this continues to be a website when members reccommend someone to not buy a Ford.

i agree tom.

the ford exec's are standing by watching the next post regarding a non ford vehicle.

too many, and that will be the end of ford and the sport trac :rolleyes:

also, no more lunches :lol:
Nice Toyota. Its too bad that you were unable to find an F-150 you liked but to tell you the truth I would probably have gone with the Toyota as well. The F-150 is nice but I dont like the boxy styling that Ford is using on it right now. I still have my 05 Trac and will be driving it for a long time as it fits my needs completely.

As for the people bashing his purchase it was his decision to do so and if he is happy and wanted to show the people on here what he got that is his decision. Add that to the fact that the vehicle he purchased is as much an American made vehicle as the Sport Trac and I give him props.

I can only hope that Ford decides to continue making the Sport Trac after 2010 because eventually mine is going to wear out and I will need another one. Oh and just in case Ford does read this forum on a daily basis can we get a small diesel for the Sport Trac please..........
How dare you down a Ford product on this site Ashaman...

Now you've all but ruined Tom's free lunch!!!


I am sure many of the members here understand what I am saying. You guys do what you want. I guess I should not care. Bash Ford. You guys don't care. Bet neither of you have ever been to any ST meet in the LAP. None of you know what Ford does for the meets.

You guys don't care and you could care less if there will never be another.

Where did I bash Ford? I expressed my opinion on a Ford Product. I own and will continue to own a Sport Trac as I think it is the best vehicle I have ever owned. And sorry if my work schedule has not allowed me to be a part of the Sport Trac meets. I am sure Ford goes out of its way to please a group of people dedicated to one of their vehicles. IMO it is one of the reasons that Ford has not taken any bail out money.

Just so you know I hapen to like quite a few of the vehicles Ford makes right now. If I needed a new vehicle I would be had pressed to pass up an Edge. I also happen to like the Fusion alot and like how it drives. The Escape is also a very nice Ford product. Are there some things I would like to see Ford do? Yes. But over all I would not hesitate to tell someone to buy a Ford vehicle.

Being a single father for the past 12 years has sorta put a dampner, to say the least, on my extra cirricular activities over those years. (3) of my children are out of the house on their own now and the (2) left are 16 & 13. (FYI...My oldest drives an F-250, 2nd oldest a Continental and last drives a 99 Sable)

Although I would have loved to have made a Louisville meet, or even a regional meet, I just didn't think I could enjoy it with a load of kids in tow. Let alone without interrupting other members sanity / personal space. I have made MANY sacrifices of myself in favor of being a responsible parent to my children, including NOT dragging them to events / places for my sole gratification.

I was born and raised within a long line of Ford die-hards and I have in no way shape or form ever "bashed" Ford's. I myself, always take a look at what Ford has to offer first and then consider the other options available. Sometimes that results in a Ford purchase and sometimes it does not. I have owned over 30 vehicles in my lifetime and I would guess that better than half of them were "American" and of those, half were Ford's.

I have quite a few vehicles in my garage at the present and I personally drive everyone of them. They all serve their own purpose and niche in my lifestyle. As I type, my 16 year old is out and about with the ST. He had the opportunity to take a Taurus, Civic, ST or P71 CV but he went with the ST. He would have LOVED to take my new Avalon, but that wasn't even an option!!!

So, Tom, slander away at those who have chosen something other than a Ford, but in the end, although I'm happy for your utopian life, you have a lot to learn about real life and diversity.
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I am sure Ford goes out of its way to please a group of people dedicated to one of their vehicles.

That is exactly my point. If this website caters to those that push other cars and becomes a Ford bashing website, we will not get any support from Ford.

I know certain individuals here don't really care. Don't ruin it for those that do care.


you are taking this a little to far.

someone posts that they purchased a non-ford, and in your world that is going to kill the website. i missed where anyone was bashing ford.

your experience with vehicles is just a mere fraction of most here. if its not a ford , its no good.

so that being, educated consumers at time may purchase something other then you might do.

is that so bad?

and believe me, ford is not sweating it out because of that. they are not going to abandoned any future plans for a meet because a few members purchased a nion ford.

so your really exaggerating a non issue.

btw, i have been to 4-5 local meets when i had my tracs.

does that give this site a bonus in ford's eyes ?


I do not recall meeting you at any meets. How did you enjoy them?


Please see 6th post from the bottom Tom. Therefore I don't have to repeat myself!!!
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and believe me, ford is not sweating it out because of that. they are not going to abandoned any future plans for a meet because a few members purchased a nion ford

Not sure where the sentence starts or stops, but I am going to try to figure it out.

Ford would have no reason to host any meets if the majority of members bash Fords.
