One heck of a wheel chair ride right down the street from me

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Amber Clymer

Well-Known Member
Feb 23, 2007
Reaction score
Kalamazoo, MI
Completely incredible is all I have to say about this. This happened right down the road from my office building.
Just glad he is ok....

Todd Z
Whoever made the tires, bearings, and wheels for that chair should be making them for Ford.
Nobody could have pulled in front of the trucker and just slowed the truck down to a stop?

Talk about a society of stupid people.

Caymen, we are talking about a little place named after animal feet. They actually thought it was ajoke until about the 15th 911 phone call....HAHAHA.
Caymen, if I had been there, I'd have been scared that if I pulled in front of the trucker and tried to slow down as you suggest, that he might run right into me as well, smashing the guy in the chair and putting me in peril as well...

I would have to agree to a point, but a car pulling in front of a trucker slowing down waving your arm out the window will get the truckers attention.

True--Except for the fact that this trucker had a wheelchair and its occupant attached to its grill, and you would have had no idea why it was there, or if there was malicious intent. If you suspect it is malicious and intentional, then it's not a stretch to believe that if you were to pull in front of him, he not only likely wouldn't slow down, but perhaps he'd even take aggressive action to attack you.

It's like the old "Far Side" cartoon, with the caption of "How Mother Nature Says, 'Don't Touch'". There's a picture of hissing cat, a rattlesnake with the rattle shaking, a blowfish with the spikes pointing out, and (punchline) a guy wearing a trenchcoat with a boot on his head, a kid's pool floatie around his waist, and a bazooka under his arm. After reading this story, I would add to that list, a picture of a guy driving an 18 wheeler with a guy in a wheelchair attached to the grill.