OT: Damn Interesting - Fuel Taxes

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Thomas Rogers

Well-Known Member
Jul 23, 2004
Reaction score
Sellersville, PA
Boy, I just LOVE this website (Damn Interesting). You can get lost reading the articles... I spent an hour doing the "just one more" game.

This article discusses how when we move away from fossil fuel powering our cars to sources that are regenerative and more efficient that a major tax base (the tax on gas) that is uses to upkeep our roads, etc., will be cut.

And, it describes some proposed "Big Brother" mechanisms for a new tax system....a mileage tax...

The switch of cars from big SUV's to smaller cars is costing the government money. When an SUV burns 1000 gallons a fuel a year, a small car burns 300. The same miles driven, but less tax paid. If the government charged road tax bt the mile and not by the gallon, the money saved between the small car and the SUV would be even lewss, essentially leveling out the playing field.

In a way I think it is a good thing, ion others I think it is bad news. Why should I have to pay more tax's to use the same ammount of road as those little death traps do.

There has been rumblings in several states and even at the Federal government level for about 10 years to switch to a "Per Mile" tax.

I think the insurance companies came up with the idea figuring that they could make more money and justify the higher cost to the drivers who drive more miles and thus increase their exposure to a possible accident??

I guess the theory is that you can avoid the taxes and higher insurance costs by just driving less.

Smaller cars have less impact on the road than large cars or SUVs, so they don't "use" as much of the life of the road as a larger vehicle. Big trucks pay gas tax, too, and they are the hardest on the roads. A fuel tax actually works out pretty well, since the cars that pay less tax are also the one's that damage the road the least.
All I see in that system is there would be loop holes for the corporate and the little guy that barely gets by, wont have the money come tax time...If our local, state and federal would overhaul the system, there would be a whole lot more money..Damn greedy legislators and their, Pork..:angry: