OT: HDTV component switchbox... which one to get?

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i looked at monoprice.com and i looks nice and comes with a remote which I want. But just wanted to here if anyone uses another
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I got the Joytech 240C System Selector. First off, on style, it's black, so it fits in with the rest of the components (also comes in silver), and it has a standard 17" footprint. It has 6 component inputs on the back, 4 with optical audio, and one standard set on the front. I've had mine for about 3 months now and love it. Picked it up for $35 on eBay, as opposed to $99 at stores. No lag issues whatsoever, and because it's powered, no signal loss either. Comes with a remote, and you can program the display up to 5 characters, example: SAT, 360, CABLE, etc, etc.
I would consider looking into a good AV receiver, even if its more entry level, then a switch just for video. Just make sure it has all the inputs you want. If you already have an AV receiver and it just doesn't have all the inputs and functionality you need, then I suggest you consider an upgrade. Of course, your needs may be different than mine, but I find less components are better and switching just component vid will ultimately be too limiting if your home theater setup grows.

If you are going to spend the money, get an AV receiver that has the video ports on it. The Yamaha that I got has 3 HDMI inputs and 1 output, will upconvert any signals to HD, and has optical inputs for all the video inputs...currently I have the sat, Xbox360, and PS3 going into it, with plans of adding a HTPC to the mix (major project there as being a computer geek, many things will need to be accomplished with the HTPC). The receiver also supports 7.1 surround, so you'd have plenty of room to grow :)
Yes, but $35 - $50 for a switcher, vs. several hundred $$$ for a receiver with 6 HD inputs. I'll keep my optical 5.1 receiver and run through a switcher, thanks. Plus, with my Harmony remote, it's not like there's any more work involved in switching.
Jeff C,

That's why I said "consider" the option.

If LSU doesn't already have a receiver, or if that receiver doesn't have all that he needs now or isn't a good foundation for a growing home theater/entertainment system, then an AV receiver is WORTH CONSIDERING.

In your case, it sounds like you already have a receiver that does what you need and the Harmony remote to make it all easy to manage.

But for someone that has a receiver that may not have optical, or may be lacking in other ways, or maybe they have no receiver; then paying $50 for a switch, then another $100+ for a Harmony remote to make it all useable, just to find that as they grow their system they need a new/better AV receiver anyway could be viewed as sub-optimal.

I just paid $150 for a Harmony remote to make my system easier to use. It was the best money I have spent. I wish I had it 5 years ago when I got my setup.
