My wife did 4 years as an X-ray technician and I am still in with 13 years and 5 months as an Air Defense Artillery Early Warning System NCOIC, now teaching at Ft. McPherson, GA.
We both spent 10 years in the Air Force fixing F-15 avionics and jet fuel systems. Now we are teachers, puplic elementary school and on Army bases teaching software to soldiers. It's like we never got out.
Air Force - four years active. Then Air Force Reserves ever since. Will be completing 33 years (the maximum permissable) in 18 months. almost like TJ, "spent a little time in a lot of strange places".
Almost 11 years active duty in the Navy. Air Traffic Controller and have been stationed at FACSFAC VACAPES, Tacron 22, and deployed on the USS Saipan. I will be medically separated in November.