"As I get closer to the forest, I can finally see each tree that gives the forest
it's strength."...tracnblack...2006...
This dialogue is what makes this country great, among other things. We can post comments
such as this and not have to worry, for the most part, of the Communist Police knocking
down our doors and dragging us into the streets for a beating, or mass execution, simply
because we have spoken our minds and given our opinions on our own Government, and
the way things are going with it! Yes... There are many things that we (and I) see wrong
with our Government, today. But we have the right to voice our opinions without much fear
of retribution. That is why we should all pay homage and respect to our servicemen and
women serving in Iraq and Afghanistan, and other parts of the world, everyday! Whether
we agree with the specific political agendas of any administration, our servicepersons are
over there to protect the American "Way of Life".
My father always used to say, "When you think you've got it bad here, with all of your
fussin' and complainin', just think how bad all of those other people have it in other parts
of the world, where they cain't do no fussin' or complainin' without gettin' beaten or shot!"
Yes, my father was a Southern man, with all of his Southern Dialect!
Smartest man I ever knew...(WWII Veteran, U.S. Army, at the "Battle of the Bulge").